Oh man, I am so looking forward to the weekend and getting a chance to relax.
this has been a busy week and yesterday was no exception. Work has een great, but ive had a few days go long (like yesterday) so I zoomed out of work as soon as I could, made my way uptown (of course the trains did one of those open close open close door things and I was going crazy!) but I made it in record time and only lost about five minutes of my session, so it worked out to be a pretty normal day.
Wasting no time, Jason handed me the thick jumprope, and I was just happy I made it so didn't have time to stage a protest. I jumped for however long it took Jason to go find the two 25lb bells, and he mercifully let me stop a minute early
Instead we got right into a double bell workout (using the aforementioned 25lb kettlebells) swings to start, and my hamstrings were NOT happy today. They were so sore all day, it felt like they shrunk two inches and were going to snap every time I straightened my legs
So after the first set of swings, J brought out his medieval torture foam roller device and I agonizingly rolled my hammies out, and kept going. It helped a little, but just a little
After warming up (still with two kettlebells) I did some sets of cleans, then presses, then push presses and finally jerks. At one point I was supposed to do 8 reps, but got distracted and just kept going to 10. So he made me do even more the next time. D'oh!
Then, STILL with two kettlebells, I did snatches. That's right, snatches with a bell in each hand. I looked at Jason like he was crazy. I mean he's always crazy but some moments particularly more so than others. And this was a moment. So I tried to mentally map out how this was going to work, then he said 'it's just like snatch with the bulgarian bag.' OHHHHH, yes! Yes I can do those. I can do this! And I did! And it was amazing
Then some quick abs with half getups, and v-ups finishing with a pathetic stretch where Jason spent most of the time poking my hamstrings while I whimpered.