Allergy season has descended upon us, and I spent a week deep in the belly of the beast. As bad as hay fever ever hits in the city, it's ten times worse in Maryland. So I came into the session today heavily medicated, but on the tail end of the dosage, so all that movement started to swish around my already precarious sinus cavities.
On top of that, the mta had another one of those days. Packed train, trains re-routed, and conflicting announcements of what was going on. Welcome back to the city, I suppose. So I ended up sprinting to the gym just to make it five minutes late. At least that covered the warmup!
I already gave Jason the heads up that I wasn't feeling so great, so he had a nice easy workout planned. And by easy I mean 'let's see how much we can make her sweat.'
This is the "easy" workout he came up with (and mind you, I can barely speak, my throat is bone dry, my nose is a faucet waiting to burst, and my brain is swimming with pseudoephedrine):
Dynamic Warmup: walking lunge, lateral lunge, and inchworm back and forth across the floor (about 10 each way)
I actually got to lie down on the mat for:
10 single leg lifts
10 single leg bridge
35lb Kettlebell: 12 one arm swings
Followed by:
35lb bell: 8 clean & jerks each arm
15lb db (you know he's being easy on me when I'm using anything lighter than 25 lbs!): 12 overhead reverse lunge
3x -
And finally:
45lb bell: 8 swing to front squat
25lb bell: 12 dragon twists
I could barely protest as most of the session was spent focusing on trying to breathe between getting sips of water. when I did pathetically try to speak through a mila kunis voice, it only came out in little peeps. To a comical effect, I'm sure.
I thought we were going to do more, but to my surprise (and delight) I got to stretch early. and even then my voice was so far gone that I couldn't even laugh from the pain.