Yay it's Thursday it's training day! It's been a few days back from vacation, and I already can feel my body desperately detoxing itself from a week+ of consumption and revelry. I'm still chubby and lumpy in all the wrong places, but I feel way better already after only a few days back on the regular
Objectives for the rest of the month: -get back on the supplements -get back to full hydration. Maybe next month we'll tackle getting more sleep.
I ranted, well okay whined, to jason about how tough it is to stay motivated now that everything has changed. I used to be at the gym every day and it was right there and so easy and I know everyone and the equipment works. Now it's out of the way and the other location sucks and I don't know anyone and the equipment is crap. So Jason said he would go with me to check it out and help me like it better, yay! It still won't be the same, but maybe I'll be more comfortable if he's there even just for one day
So we started with the basic walking warmup an lobster band, then got busy with a two 25lb Kettlebell workout:
One arm swings to start, then swings with two bells (actually everything after this was with both bells), I could feel a crick behind my neck with the swings, so Jason poked around my shoulder blade and found.the.spot. Apparently I have a 'massive knot' that he pushed around for about an hour (more like a minute, but it felt like eternity, an eternity of deep-rooted agony). We did the best we could and it did help relieve the pinching. Then it was on to cleans, squats, clean and squats, and some crazy stuff (that I swear Jason just makes up), alternating overhead press (with both bells, the first set was a wash but then I actually got the hang of it and did pretty well with the rest).
Then, the most evil thing I've ever heard of: alternating cleans. My brain was like, 'yeah okay, wait wait...what?' Jason had to show me: from the rack, drop one bell, then as you clean, drop the other bell, and then keep alternating drops while magically keeping the other bell racked. Lets just say my first attempt went about as expected, it looked nothing like what he showed me. I could barely do one at a time, much less all of them in rapid succession. This was pretty much the Kettlebell equivalent of my pathetic doubles with the jumprope. I can keep trying, but it's not going to happen.
So we moved on from that craziness and did a set of overhead squats. It sounds so simple, until you have to get back up. I managed to get the proper muscle groups kind of working (my abs suck, they're so lazy and never want to do anything)
Then a few rounds of snatches (just with one bell, I was starting to get tired by now) and stretching and done! Woohoo!