But I made it and we started the session building my calendar for the month, blocking out one glorious week that I'm going to DISNEY!! Two weeks away! So excited!!
But before then, I have a lot of work to do
After walking warmup, Jason brought over his fancy kettlebells and I did some swings and cleans with those. But then I had to try cleans with both bells together, and it was like I had never touched a kettlebell before. The professional bells are so freaking big, that trying to swing both of them between my legs meant either smashing my fingers or cracking them into each other. So I opted for the latter (they did get my pinky in one pass though, still a little tender after that)
So we switched back to normal size bells and Jason coached me through breathing properly to get through cleans and then clean and jerks.
Then snatches with my buddy the 25lb bell. But snatched with squats. Killer. Then regular snatched to finish up with the bells.
We were supposed to switch to 15lb Dumbbells, but could only find one. So I was sent to hunt down the other one but some dude was using it for some pretty pointless looking side bends. Whatever
So we made it easier with the 12.5lb Dumbbells for overhead reverse lunge.
Then I had to finish with 25lb Dumbbells for squat jumps. But not full squat jumps, dainty little quick jumps. At this point the tendon in my left shoulder blade decided it had had enough and started shooting little warning flares down my back
So I got a bonus round of stretching it while laying on the blue ball of death, swing my arm up and down until the pain was marginally less agonizing
Then regular stretching, and now I'm off with this month's assignments and the new goal to lose 5lbs this month (hahahaha)