So before I embark on my week-long hiatus from training (to be gloriously swapped with a week of shameless face-stuffing) I had to get in my training session for a preemptive strike to avoid turning into a blimp by the weekend
And J was ready for me. Quick warmup of walking lunge/inchworms, then off to find the 25lb kettlebells.
Today was actually really challenging (I mean, EVERY thing is challenging...yeah). We did a bunch of stuff with two bells at once. just like regular kettlebell workouts, but with two at a time. So even though each arm is doing the same weight as it normaly would, it's essentially twice as much work. And my arms could feel it
We started with 10 each (3times): swings, cleans, press/jerks, and front squats. And man oh man I was not into it (By that i mean, mentally I was all for it. physically, not so much). And that's where J comes in, to talk me through it, especially for the next set
I only had to do this set one time, and one time was plenty, first with 2 bells, 20 jerks. I don't think I would have finished this if J wasn't there to pace me. Then 15 snatches on each arm, and I actually felt really great for the whole time! J thinks I could have done 20 each, but I think 15 was an excellent amount, haha. We ended our Kettlebell set with 15 long cycle (back to the 2 bells). And I surprisingly made it all the way with my arms still attached! It's a good day.
So, to give my arms a break we headed over to the squat rack. For squats. Obviously. As per usual we worked our way up through the weights, doing less reps for more weight. When you are dealing with the scenario of being a tiny girl squatting a massive amount of weight, be prepared for a few things to happen. First, men will be staring at you. Not for the usual reasons (maybe a little for the usual reasons), but out of sheer disbelief and amazement. Second, your trainer will have to tell you to walk the bar back further, to get behind a specific point on the rack because the circumference of the weight is SO LARGE, it won't clear past the weight holders. The weights are too big for the contraption designed to hold the weights, people!!! No wonder people are staring!
So when all was said and done, I was squatting the massive weights to the grand total of 160 pounds. One hundred and SIXTY pounds. I'd be staring at myself too, that's crazytalk.
So we leave the freeweight room in a blaze of glory, end with some jumps and stretch and then it was time for a special treat: I brought my pumpkin pie!! Actually I made both versions, the healthy one and the vegan healthy one (that one turned out more like banana-pumpkin pie, but it was still good)
And now I'm off to go gorge myself on Korean food for the next four days. Don't judge me.