Calendar of Triumph!

Thursday, November 14, 2013

It's training time!

It's that day again, you know that day! It's training day!! Hooray!

So I sneak out of work in the middle of the day, an hour later than usual and changed and even manage to be early for once! But where's j? He's not at the desk, he's not on the floor, and I awkwardly wimper around while the other trainers say 'he was here earlier' and 'does he know you have a session?' And yes he was very specific 'Thursday at 2' ...wait today is Thursday, right? Maybe I have the wrong day, what time is it? Where am I? Who am I?

'Maybe he sent you a message' yeah, I bet as soon as I go I to the locker room to check he'll show up and think that I'm not here! But of course, they were right when I fish my phone out from the bottom of my bag I see this:

Aw, he didn't forget!
So off to the rower I go, and row FOREVER*, until finally J turned the corner and came to gather me up
(*forever = 5 minutes in this scenario)

So many new things today! we started in the 'big boy' room to do deadlifts and front squats, but with the big bar instead of kettlebells like I'm used to doing. First the deadlifts. J has all kinds of handy pieces of knowledge, like how to hold the bar so that your grip doesn't get tired. brilliant! I had to stop myself from squatting so much, but like with all new things eventually I got the hang of it. And like all the usual things, J kept adding more and more weights and I ultimately did a set with 135lbs! I can deadlift myself! Myself and a small fluffy kitten, rawr

Then squats, but holding the bar in front, resting 'on your shoulders, NOT your throat'. very important. In order to do this you have to rest the bar across your shoulders, cradled on your hands (palms facing out) and your elbows lifted up high kind of pointing in towards each other. Sounds awkward, looks awkward, feels awkward. Now squat. Without choking yourself or tilting the weights off the bar. And add more weights. And repeat. 

But I survived, clavicle intact, and we wrapped it up in the free weight room and headed up front.

Then it was time for box jumps (squat, jump, land, squat, stand up, step down, repeat) and jerks with the 35lb Kettlebell. I don't do jerks often, and it's kind of J's area of expertise, so he tried to get me to do them correctly, but I still just don't 'get' them. Although by the last set I could start to feel a difference, and he seemed a bit more pleased with a few of them. Progress! At least they make me look skinny, unlike what I had next: V-ups. And backbridge pushups. 

Then it was stretching time! And oy, I need yoga. Badly. So much stretching needed. so so much. (My 3 days in a row of stair master probably didn't help)

I didn't take a selfie today, but here's one from earlier this week:

Sweaty. (and if you look closely, you'll see the evidence of that time I got my nails done! I can be a girly girl sometimes too, it's not all nerd with this one ::points thumbs at self::)

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