Calendar of Triumph!

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Training day

Today was a great day.

I have some really exciting things lined up for the (hopefully very) near future so was even more bouncy and excited than usual as I bounded into today's session.

We started at the squat rack, but before squats I had to do barbell cleans, first with just the bar, then working up to 90 lbs. 90!! I'm finding all new places to get bruises this week, my poor shoulders (good thing it's freezing outside = long sleeves)

Then we finally got to squats, and Jason had no mercy (actually come to think of it, I'm surprised I can walk as functionally as I am after today's workout....but I'm jumping ahead. Well, shuffling at this point, no more jumping today, please!) today I could really feel the weight on the last rep of each set. And the last set was at 175lbs!!! Yaaaaaaaas. I'm almost squatting 200lbs that's crazy! ('we'll hang a kettlebell around your neck' he says) hahaha, Yay me.

So we finished up that insanity and moved up front for bulgarian bag conditioning. It's been a while, but I still got the groove down, it was a suspiciously basic group of exercises: just 10 spins each direction, 10 powersnatch, 20 squats, and 20 alternating jump lunges. Nothing too crazy right? Yeah, not until the last 5 jump lunges where my legs are on FIRE and I collapse immediately after its over. Seriously. After the first set it took me a few seconds to pick myself up off the floor and get my legs to calm down.  The second set was a bit better, until I found out there was a third set. Aaarrggghhhhh As soon as I finished and dropped the bag, I was DOWN. Jason felt very proud of himself today, hahaha

We finished with stretching, where I mastered the method of 'keep talking so you don't notice the pain'

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