So, a funny thing happened this morning. I was groggily going through the usual get-presentable-for-public-interaction routine, and right when I reached the point of folding up the cuff of my pants (yes I'm short, lets move on), I stood up and immediately felt a surge of hot pain shoot up my right knee. So I hobbled around in shock and agony, and it seemed like I could bend my leg just fine in any direction, and even stretch it out with my toes pointed, AND even stand on it on my tippy toes. But as soon as I tried to stand flat on the ground, the same intense hot pain came back again.
And I still had to get to work. Somehow I was able to find a pair of shoes that I could walk in without looking like an injured foal, but I definitely was concerned on how I would fair during an actual workout.
It's a good thing my trainer is super awesome.
'Yeah, that's not good' he says when i recount my eventful morning. so he had me start with the foam roller to loosen up my legs, and then use the pain-ball to really dig into my hamstrings.
Then we started with walkout pushups and windmill arm things with 5lb weights (dont let the light weights fool you, those things are tough)
We did a lot of new stuff today, that's what I get for missing a session!
For the first set, we used 17.5 lb dumbells, and I did these things where I press the weights up while going down into a lunge. I bet they have a name, I just have no idea what it would be. Then with two 30lb kettlebells, I had burpees. Yes, burpees. Of course, it was more like burpee down, deadlift up. The hardest part was keeping the pushup steady on the handles of the kettlebells, I kept trying to push out instead of straight down.
Then for something completely different, with two 25lb dumbbells, I went into a deep squat, Korean-style, and did overhead presses, yes, while still in the squat. Which immediately sparked a debate over whether this was actually a real thing or if jason was just making it up. Expert witnesses were consulted, the results were inconclusive (Apparently it's real, he googled it, a Sots squat or something)
Anyways, I banged out a few of those and my back could really feel the effects (not to mention my arms, yeesh). And we finished off with good mornings, Kettlebell style. With the 30lb bell, bring it behind your head like a halo, but lower it down until its resting on your back holding onto the handle, then bend forward and stand back up again. All was good until the end when I had to 'dismount' the bell. By now my arms were so tired that I couldn't pull the bell back around my head! Good thing Jason was there to help me out of my predicament.
We finished with a few sets of v-ups, then stretching, woohoo! I made it through the whole session with no pain in my leg at all. One of the perks of training with the best :)