Calendar of Triumph!

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Thursday training - back to it!

Today we made up for my pathetic excuse of a workout on Monday. Wasting no time, we marched straight to the pull-up bar. for 5. I think I did mostly one by myself. And then complained for the rest of them (fifteen total, by the last one, I could barely grip the bar, much less hoist myself up there). In between sets I did halos with the lighter bell, and my forearms were already getting pumped (in the actual blood-engorged way, not the really-excited-to-be-here way).

And that was just the warmup. We moved deeper into the freeweight room for some good old fashioned barbell clean and overhead presses. With 50lbs, then 70lbs. Then 80. Jason tried to show me a new technique with the 80 where you push off with your knees or something? It looked cool in theory, and was not going to happen in reality. So we scrapped that idea.

Someone was hogging the squat rack, so I had to use the huge machine instead. I'd rather do squats. Oh well.

Then we moved up front to finish the session with some easier stuff. So swing to squats with the 40lb bell, snatches with the 25, and over the shoulder hoisty things with the medicine ball (throw overs? Overshoulders? I forget what they're really called)  and even though it feels easy, and it sounds simple, by the end I was sweating buckets. Ew

Then some stretching, and now I'm on vacation for a week! Woohoo!

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