Calendar of Triumph!

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Look ma, no trainer!

This week I had to go it alone because J is so busy with his fancy new Fitness Manager title, so I had to see if I can do this by myself (and got a good preview of what life will be like when I tragically run out of training sessions)

I've basically just been picking bits from all the old workouts I've collected over the year, with cardio thrown in between. Today I was already feeling sore from my previous workout, especially in my hamstrings and shoulders, so what better way to recover than workout harder? (Actually, I've noticed that it does help when you're a little sore to workout again. I mean I'm not a doctor, but I know things)

They say that working out with friends is easier than going alone, and without J around to help me this week, I had to call on my old buddies to keep me company. Have I introduced you yet?? Here they are:

My three amigos. On the left is "my buddy" aka orange (aka 25lbs), in the middle is "the bruiser" aka 16kg (aka 35 lbs) and on the right is the infamous "blue bell of doom" aka the 45lb bell, aka the one that broke me. (we've made up since then)

And yes I hoarded them all for myself. Not that anyone needed them, no one else used them the rest of the night! Guess the guys were too intimidated to try after seeing what I can do with them (oh goodness, J has created a little monster)

Today's workout was a doozy. And I chose it. And I'm crazy. I don't think I'll be able to move this weekend. 

Walkout pushups 10
Three point lunge 6/6
Forearm Plank 30 seconds

25lb kb snatch 8/8 (then 10/10, last set 8/8 with 35lb)
35lb kb:
Clean & press 8/8
Clean to squats 8/8
45lb blue bell:
one hand swings 10/10
Straight into 2 hand clean and squat 10

turkish getup 25lb bell 5/5

Vups 15
Bicycles 20
Side vups 15/15

And i'm dead.  I showed this to J as he was leaving and he says "you don't need me anymore!" ....well yeah, but, but.

For an extra treat, I got a bonus round of yoga since my friend was subbing the class tonight! I'm definitely rusty (and was already pretty beat up by the kettlebells), but it was so good to take a break from strength training to focus on stretching and balance.

I think the sauna will be quite necessary tomorrow. 

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