Calendar of Triumph!

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Taking the Buzzfeed Clean Eating Challenge

So I've been pretty obviously slacking lately. The transition to the new job, while wonderful on so many levels, has really screwed with my training schedule and overall motivation. So while lazily lounging on the couch after a long day, I stumbled across the Buzzfeed Clean Eating Challenge and I could hear the sad siren call of my year-ago self begging me to investigate further.

Usually when I see these types of articles they're full of horribly mis-informed 'get fit quick' tips that are either insisting on some form of liquid diet (LOL no.), or basically just say to eat less and exercise more. Uh, yeah thanks captain obvious.

So when I saw buzzfeed had put together a detailed 2 week clean eating plan (a plan that is almost 100% food items that I will gleefully put into my body, including chocolate! Buzzfeed, you get me.), I knew I had to give it a shot. They even break it down with a full shopping list, day-by-day instructions, and a weekly schedule with details down to how much to prep and save to use later in the week, and photo instructions for each meal.

Challenge accepted.

I combed through the week one shopping list, and gawked at how MUCH is there. So much food! Best meal plan ever! How am I going to carry all of this home?!

I ended up splitting the list into 'stuff I can get at Trader Joe's' and 'stuff from the grocery store'.  And hoped that would be enough to get it all home. Armed with my two trusty grocery bags, I was able to get about 80% of the list at TJ's (I already had the 'basics', like oil and seasonings, honey, etc…) and the rest came from the grocery store. All in all, it was about $100 bucks for everything, and I was able to get it all home by myself.

On my way back from the grocery store, loaded with produce, the previously 75 degree sunny and clear skies opened up into a torrential downpour and left me trudging home like a pathetic wet cat.  of course this is the one time I don't have an umbrella with me. An ominous sign?

I got home, shook myself off and did the ridiculously simple prep work to get ready for tomorrow.  My fridge looks like it grew a garden overnight!  

I am a bit skeptical at how 'easy' this meal plan actually will be, but at least I have a plan again since winging it clearly does not work for me. It will be interesting to see how I do with some of the ingredients. Most of the list goes alright with my unique food quirks, but some things will be a bit of a departure from my usual go-tos.

We'll see how this goes!

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