Calendar of Triumph!

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Thursday training day

It's Thursday, it's training day! It's time to feel things. Things like sweat and pain

I was feeling pretty good today. I brought back the little ball Jason let me borrow to roll on my foot and he laughed and let me keep it! Score! This is starting out to be a great session.

I am now sitting on the train on my way home, exhausted, and I'm already sore. So in Jason's world, this was a great session.

So, we started smack dab in the middle of the free weight room. For good old fashion deadlifts. He just kept adding more weights and I just kept liftin' 'em. I made my way up to 165lbs today! The last few reps were crazy, and I definitely could not have done any more

So we left that craziness and moved up front for a milder but still crazy workout. With a 25lb dumbbell in each hand, I did walking lunges back and forth across the floor, with standing pushpress in between laps

Then we got out the big box for step ups and box jumps (whee! I love box jumps!)

And then Jason pulled out the mat. Yay, stretching time, right?! Not so! First we made a detour to the weird looking abs benches where I had to lie back and hold on to the handles overhead, and lift my legs to touch my toes to the bar, ABOVE MY HEAD. Ohhhhh emmmm geeeeee, my abs. Oh my abs. So weak, so fire, so burn.

I am exhausted.

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