Calendar of Triumph!

Wednesday, May 28, 2014 day?!

So it's been a pretty strange week, after a long weekend at home, including Monday's holiday, Tuesday I worked from home (thanks to a super fun trip to the dentist), so it has been since I made my way to manhattan or even worked out

Of course I would have worked out over the weekend if I had been able to move. Except it felt like I had two solid muscle patties injected into my back thanks to dead lifting 165 pounds (!), which meant I spent most of the weekend either doing yoga or staying as stationary as possible.  I debated getting a second massage this month and finally caved in and got one on Monday and it was glorious.

So then today, I had all my cardio gear and was meant to run 3 miles today (and was dreading having to do this), but instead I got a text (and email) from Jason asking if I could train today instead. Yes! That's exactly what I needed after an extra long weekend

So I ditched work and hustled over to the gym. Of course I had my cardio gear with me which today was a bruins tshirt. Jason just shook his head. Hey, it was either that or my islanders tee.

We started with the usual walking warmup and a new thing: walking with a resistance band. But this was not like other resistance bands, this one was THICK. So I shimmied it up above my knees and proceeded to crab walk and Godzilla stomp back and forth across the floor, until my legs burst into flames. this was a smoldering kind of burn, deep on the inside. I couldn't even find a way to stretch it out!

So Jason went to gather the bells while I tried to find a way to stretch out the deep tissue in my legs, and we got ready for a day of Kettlebell sets. First with the 45lb, one arm swings, just to warm up. Then with the 25lb bell, clean and presses , then back to the 45lb bell for goblet squats

As if that werent enough, I did a few rounds with the 35lb bell of snatches (exclamation point) and cleans. At first my cleans looked crazy, but Jason wasted no time fixing me and by the end I was looking pretty good!

So we were almost done and he dragged over the big red bell, for 50 swings. Yeah I can totally swing this thing....okay maybe I can swing it a little bit. Okay three sections is good, let's do three sections

And I did so good I got extra stretching time! Woohoo

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