So apparently we were supposed to do a bunch of stuff with the squat rack today. Except all of them were taken, which means Jason had to improvise. Which never falls in my favor.
Sure enough, while I was off doing my walking warmup, Jason disappeared for longer than usual to gather the equipment. He returned, wheeling a three foot tall black cylinder with grenades imprinted on the top. What. Is. This.
Apparently it's some sort of portable plate stacking contraption, which goes with a weighted bar that may or may not be even more weighted than the regular squat rack bar.
While I practiced deadlifts cleans and push press with the empty bar, Jason started disassembling the weight stack. Then threw on some weights
Today was all about front rack, which I am absolutely terrible at. I still can't do a basic clean when the bar weighs over 60lbs. I dont use my legs at all to pop up, and then keep shrugging my shoulders in the catch when I should be relaxing an getting underneath. And then by the time I get the first few crappy lifts out of the way, my wimpy fairy dust wrists can't handle any more and just buckle under te weight.
Jerks and push press aren't much better. I can get the bar up, but lowering it back down, I can feel my wrists crying in pathetic misery. And today, my right armwasn't letting me extend all the way without pinching, so Jason very generously found the knot in my tricep and pushed it back and forth while I silent-screamed from the searing pain.
Remind me why I'm doing this again? Ugh
And I need to get fully back into yoga again, I've completely regressed and my hamstrings are tighter than ever. So frustrating.
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