Calendar of Triumph!

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Thursday training - just 195 today

Starting to feel better today. I definitely need to start cardio back up again, I'm getting squishy, bleh.

I got to the gym a little early somehow, so I ran for five minutes while I waited for Jason to show up. Lo and behold by the time I was done, there he was!

Heavy lifting today.

But not before warming up with the lobster torture band of death. Twice!

Then off to the free weight room, and my some miracle, the squat rack was free!  So we started with just the bar, then I squatted my way up through the plates. The best part of h ing  trainer is that he does all the knowing-of-the-exact weight, and all I have to do is squat. I like this arrangement, it leaves all the mental psych outs out of the picture.

I even had paparazzi today! 

I know that the weight is starting to get crazy when I'm down to just three reps per set. And today I had one-rep sets. You know, because that's normal. 

But at this point, I still have no idea how much is on there. My only job is to stand back up. But we needed to get a better picture so fortunately I had one more rep left

Look, there's Jason too! but i did t need a apot today, I did it all by myself! Sweating bullets, but I did two reps of 195, ta-da!

So after that was done, we moved further into the free weight room for barbell clean and press. I must say, these are not my favorite. I'm suppose to do this thing where I pop the (60 and 70lb) bar off my legs while it pulls up to clean, and I just don't get it. Plus the clean/press hurts my wrists by the last rep.  So we just quickly got through a few sets of that and moved on up to the front training area

For pistol squats. Because he knows I can. Even after squatting 195. While holding a 20lb Kettlebell, for three sets. And I did.  My legs will hate me this weekend. major yoga time is in the cards. Maybe even a massage

And we had to end with abs using the rolly wheel, just to show the random dude who was trying to do them next to me how it's 'really' done. With a lot of whining and protest while Jason shows no mercy

Finally it was time for stretching, and I was DONE.

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