Calendar of Triumph!

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Tuesday - last training day for the foreseeable future

Massive sadface.

Today was the last training session with Jason. And of course I got stuck on a train on the way to the gym, so I was about six minutes late to get started

But we made the most of it. I had to choose what we did today and I haven't even had a chance to think about it! So I come up with 'uhh I dunno, something acrobatic?' I guess I figured if I'm going to get into aerial silks, I might as well start focusing on mobility

So acrobatics we did. Mostly handstands, which are super fun, but super hard, and super wrist heavy.

After a quick walking warmup and a few swings and snatches with the kettlebell, we went over to a wall and I did a few rounds of handstands with my back to the wall, then handstands facing the wall

Then handstands with no wall. I haven't done handstands in forever, and certainly not without assistance. But even with Jason there to gently tip me back to center, I had a few split seconds where I was actually kind of balancing over my hands! Huzzah!

But oy the wrists, they take a beating.

Then we did a few conditioning exercises where I did a handstand facing the wall, but this time with my feet on the wall and my hips bent, so basically making a square with my body. From there I rock slightly forward so my weight is on my hands, the push back like downward dog, so my head is pressing towards the wall, and really stretching out my shoulders and upper back.

Then we did an abs leg lift, but with a BOSU. So I'm sitting on the BOSU, with my hands on the floor behind me, then lift my legs straight up as far as possible.

After a few rounds of that, we finished the session with clean and jerks. With the heavy bell. Then glorious stretching. And lots of sad hugs.

I'm sure I'll be back to train someday. Maybe next year. Or when I'm rich

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Wednesday - legs day

I meant to publish this last week. 7/29/15. Oh well. It's Wednesday, second to last training sesh for the foreseeable future. Sadface.

So we made the most of it and went straight into legs day.  All of the squat racks were taken so we did a leg press machine instead. The one where I'm sitting reclined backwards with my legs sticking up and lowering the weights towards me. Like upside down squats. I don't know how much weight there was, but it was heavy, and I would guess it was around 120 or 130.

Then we headed over to the TRX.  First a set of reverse lunge to pistol squats, with my poor leg swinging front and back like a pendulum.  Between those I did clean and squats with the 30lb Kettlebell.

Next was a crazy TRX move where I start like an inverse row, but instead of just pulling my body straight up, I had to bend at the hips, while bending my arms and pulling them out to the side (like field goal arms).  All in one motion, and exactly as hard as it sounds.  I kept forgetting to bend my waist enough, and then forget to straighten back out enough. And my forearms were so not into this whole concept.

And we followed those with hanging knee tucks, because my poor hands were not already torn up enough, I just had to hang from a pole and depend on them to hold me up while tucking my legs to my chest. Also, Jason had to hike me up when I jumped so I could reach the pole.  And my forearms were absolutely not into this concept.

But I survived, and we moseyed up front for some v-ups and backbridge push-ups.  And I don't know if I'm just getting more bendy, or if my mind has become more accepting of my general always-a chey-soreness, but I felt really good doing the backbridge today. I really extended and pushed forward more than usual, even Jason was impressed. All in all, a great way to end my second to last training sesh...for now