Calendar of Triumph!

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Tuesday training - PT Style

It's Tuesday, I survived a luxuriously lazy holiday weekend with relatively few incidents. I didn't make it out to the park like I wanted to, because for the first time in my (city) life, I was hit by a stupid bicyclist and it actually did quite a bit more damage to my left side than I initially realized

So my body spent most of the weekend sleeping and recovering. Today I still have a massive bruise right above my left hip where the handlebar impacted. So Jason took pity on me and we did a PT session to loosen up my hip and avoid hitting the bruise. And I learned very quickly that it's  right at the spot where I usually rest my hands between sets. Ow.

So, we started with leg lifts and hip raises. So far so good. Then with a 12lb medicine ball, squats (no problem), and reverse lunge twists (slight problem). After a few sets my side loosened up and it was much much better after that

So we moved on to weights and bells.  First squat overhead presses with 17.5lb Dumbbells, then cleans with the 30lb kettlebell. I was very worried about the left side, but once in the rack, my elbow is just far up and centered to avoid hitting the side directly so it actually wasn't so bad. And my form is improving (gasp!) so I got through the sets with no problem

Then renegade rows with the Dumbbells, and snatches with the 25lb bell. Also no problem there

Then we actually did and today. That was a big surprise, but I definitely need it. I was all for VUps until he rolled over a medicine ball. For me to lift overhead while reaching for my toes. Oh. The. Abs.  Gasping for breath after the first set, it was straight into twists. For so many sets.  By the end I was barely sitting up straight. Fortunately time was up. So a nice easy stretch, with just one touchy spot that put a wee bit too much pressure on my bad side, but overall I survived, and can go home and nurse myself back to full strength. Woohoo

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Tuesday training - pick things up

Today was totally pick things up and put them down day. All because guys were hogging the squat racks. One guys was literally inside  the rack hopping up and down (not with weights, mind you, just in there hopping) Wtf

So we had to improvise today and Jason wheeled out his set of drop weights, or whatever they are called. Big ass weights designed to be dropped. Although I don't do that, because I'm a dainty lady.

Anyways, I started with deadlifts, just the bar first to warm up. And then the craziest thing happened. Jason actually tried to make me rack the weights by myself. Ok, I've been training with him for years at this point, and he has always just done this part for me. And makes it look easy!  No such luck today, he was making me do all the work this time. So I awkwardly maneuver the weight onto the bar, and feebly try to slide it down while it keeps getting stuck along the way. Meanwhile he's on the other side sliding three plates around like they're full of air.

Somehow I manage to get the weights racked through a series of deadlifts, and ultimately ended with a set of 5 and 145lbs! Not too shabby

Then it was time for front squats. Jason has long give up on trying to get me to clean the bar properly, with a deadlift to a little thigh bump to propel it upwards. Physically impossible. Instead I do it my way, cleaning straight up from the ground. And it works, so we go with it. So a few squats there, then we finish with the heavy weights.

Then a seemingly light set with the 15lb Dumbbells. Walking lunge and overhead press across the floor. Deep squat with alternating press (and then both arms press - SO hard!!) and finished with single leg deadlifts. My tushy is going to be sore tomorrow

Extra awesome stretch with a weird little rolly contraption that dug into my poor little legs. Nothing like a deep tissue massage to end your day!

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Tuesday training - colorbell day

It's Tuesday. I'm exhausted. But no matter how tired I am, I always get skippy excited when I turn the corner and Jason is there waiting for me. An hour later, I'm usually cursing his existence.

Today was a pretty moderate workout. Not too hard, not too easy. A super quick three point lunge warmup, then Jason revealed the colorful plethora of kettlebells waiting for me to lift them. I started with the blue bell, I think it's like 25lbs. Just swings to warmup. Then a set of swing with the yellow bell, 16kg (like 34 lbs)

Then we focused on technique. With the blue bell I practiced cleans for a while and really focused on rotating my torso to control the drop and float the clean. After a few sets I was starting to get the hang of it

Then we got into the meat of the session. Timed jerk sets. I started with two minutes per arm with the blue bells, aiming for a pace of 10 reps per minute. And a few minutes rest in between.  I manage to get a rhythm going and was able to nail the pacing by the last set.

Then a few rounds with the yellow bell, but 1 minute per arm and 8 reps a minute. That was way harder. Not only is the bell heavier, but it's harder to slow down once you get going. But I worked it out and got on pace eventually

Then another rest, and we finished on 20  snatches (per arm) with the pink bell. That's 8kg (like 16lbs)... I couldn't stop giggling during the first few snatches because the bell is ridiculously light. Like, stupid light. So comically light. But eventually, with enough reps, that bell starts to get heavier. I didn't full on get pumped, but my forearms were quickly heading in that direction. But fortunately, we were out of time, and I cooled off with a nice stretch sesh 

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Thursday training - Ninja status

Training on Thursday this week. Fortunately it was a rare slow day at work, so I didn't have to sprint uptown like usual to get to the gym on time.

It's been a while since we've done measurements, but I've been REALLY good since Disney and have not been mindlessly eating. I've planned out almost all of my meals, no late night snacking, as much water as possible, and I've even remembered to take my supplements on a daily basis!

So I was ready to weigh in. I know I didn't hit 135lbs like I was supposed to, but right now I'll be happy as long as I'm anything under 140.

Sure enough, step on the scale, Jason wobbles the weights back and forth and the level settles on 137. I'll take it!

Then I wait patiently while he measures various body parts, and pinches various other parts, and writes down his notes, and calculates his calculations, and I get the verdict: I've gotten a wee bit smaller everywhere, and my body fat is down to 23%ish. Yeah!! I'll take that too! As much as it sucks, watching my diet is the only way I'm going to get to my goals. Blergh, at least it's working

After the housekeeping was finished, it was time to work out. First a spin with the most evil roller that has ever been invented. It's like the foam roller's evil cousin. I know he has some serious workout planned. 

Once my legs were nice and agonizingly rolled out, we headed to the free weight room to a shockingly empty squat rack! We nearly sprinted over to grab it while it was free and I started a warmup with the empty bar while Jason gathered weight that were strewn about the room. Today we squatted my way up to 175lbs.  Huzzah!

Then we went up front for some fun stuff. First a few rounds of swings and goblet squats with the heeeeavy bell. The red one, I think it's like 60lbs. Maybe more

Then with two 17.5lb Dumbbells, curl to push press and renegade rows (yay!). Curls are really hard, I was definitely using my hips and shoulders to shrug the weights up by the last round. Weak

Then a few box jumps on the tall box to wrap things up, and I demonstrated my insane ninja status by landing silently on top of box, just about every time. Jason was so proud :)

Then a more painful than usual stretch sesh. And now I am free to hobble home.  More cardio tomorrow, but for now I get to sleeeeeep