Calendar of Triumph!

Wednesday, May 28, 2014 day?!

So it's been a pretty strange week, after a long weekend at home, including Monday's holiday, Tuesday I worked from home (thanks to a super fun trip to the dentist), so it has been since I made my way to manhattan or even worked out

Of course I would have worked out over the weekend if I had been able to move. Except it felt like I had two solid muscle patties injected into my back thanks to dead lifting 165 pounds (!), which meant I spent most of the weekend either doing yoga or staying as stationary as possible.  I debated getting a second massage this month and finally caved in and got one on Monday and it was glorious.

So then today, I had all my cardio gear and was meant to run 3 miles today (and was dreading having to do this), but instead I got a text (and email) from Jason asking if I could train today instead. Yes! That's exactly what I needed after an extra long weekend

So I ditched work and hustled over to the gym. Of course I had my cardio gear with me which today was a bruins tshirt. Jason just shook his head. Hey, it was either that or my islanders tee.

We started with the usual walking warmup and a new thing: walking with a resistance band. But this was not like other resistance bands, this one was THICK. So I shimmied it up above my knees and proceeded to crab walk and Godzilla stomp back and forth across the floor, until my legs burst into flames. this was a smoldering kind of burn, deep on the inside. I couldn't even find a way to stretch it out!

So Jason went to gather the bells while I tried to find a way to stretch out the deep tissue in my legs, and we got ready for a day of Kettlebell sets. First with the 45lb, one arm swings, just to warm up. Then with the 25lb bell, clean and presses , then back to the 45lb bell for goblet squats

As if that werent enough, I did a few rounds with the 35lb bell of snatches (exclamation point) and cleans. At first my cleans looked crazy, but Jason wasted no time fixing me and by the end I was looking pretty good!

So we were almost done and he dragged over the big red bell, for 50 swings. Yeah I can totally swing this thing....okay maybe I can swing it a little bit. Okay three sections is good, let's do three sections

And I did so good I got extra stretching time! Woohoo

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Thursday training day

It's Thursday, it's training day! It's time to feel things. Things like sweat and pain

I was feeling pretty good today. I brought back the little ball Jason let me borrow to roll on my foot and he laughed and let me keep it! Score! This is starting out to be a great session.

I am now sitting on the train on my way home, exhausted, and I'm already sore. So in Jason's world, this was a great session.

So, we started smack dab in the middle of the free weight room. For good old fashion deadlifts. He just kept adding more weights and I just kept liftin' 'em. I made my way up to 165lbs today! The last few reps were crazy, and I definitely could not have done any more

So we left that craziness and moved up front for a milder but still crazy workout. With a 25lb dumbbell in each hand, I did walking lunges back and forth across the floor, with standing pushpress in between laps

Then we got out the big box for step ups and box jumps (whee! I love box jumps!)

And then Jason pulled out the mat. Yay, stretching time, right?! Not so! First we made a detour to the weird looking abs benches where I had to lie back and hold on to the handles overhead, and lift my legs to touch my toes to the bar, ABOVE MY HEAD. Ohhhhh emmmm geeeeee, my abs. Oh my abs. So weak, so fire, so burn.

I am exhausted.

Monday, May 19, 2014

Monday training

It's Monday, you know what that means, training day!

It's the first day of recovering from the clean eating challenge, and I already felt more energized going into today's session. Which was good, because what Jason had planned took every ounce of energy to get through. The fact that I can now manage to move my arms is a miracle.

We started with jumprope warmup, which I gingerly jumped through because I didn't want to risk my foot snapping on me like it did this during my run over the weekend (not literally, it just felt like it was going to snap after the third mile, fun times)

Then walking warmup: lunges, side lunges walkout pushups, the usual. Then...foam rolling? Something was up, we don't usually foam roll at this point. So while I'm rolling out the achy pain, Jason announces that today I'm doing a triathlon. In Jason language, that means kettlebells. And in Mayu language, that means my hands are going to die today.

So, the plan was, 6 minutes of jerks, 6 minutes of snatch, 6 minutes of long cycle (aka clean and jerks). You know, no big deal, whatevs. (::internal screaming::)

Oh, this is gonna suck, I already know. I don't know how this is going to make me skinny, or get my fat to disappear, but I do know that my hands are going to hurt and my arms will want to pop off. After the first minute.

Fortunately I only had to do this with the 25lb bell, and warmed up with some practice sets first to get a feel for it. I chalked up (whee! cough sputter, cough, gave it a whirl and was ready to go. And then the timer came out. 

One reason I know I would do terrible in a competition (any competition) is that as soon as there is any kind of time involved I immediately psych myself out. Having to keep a pace or reach a goal in any timed event is not my forte. I'm much more likely to slow down or stop the closer I get to the end. A bit counter productive to the point of a competition.

I would much rather not know the details or play by play, and just find out how I did when everything is over. If I know exactly where I am and how much longer there is to go, my brain starts a rapid fire succession of hyper-analyzing every movement, criticizing each mistake, counting how far behind or ahead I might be, and calculating how tired I THINK my body should be at that point. 

Once that starts, I immediately notice a change, and thus starts a dark steady spiral of decline. until I just give up or the time miraculously runs out. And that's just when conditions are perfect. If I feel any pain or discomfort, that decline becomes exponential.

So anyways, what that meant for today was that before I even chalked up to warmup, I was already at war with my brain, lying to myself that this was going to be no big deal, and immediately knowing that I was losing that battle.

But that's why Jason is there! I got through the 6 minute jerk set with basically no problem, I could feel my shoulders burning by the end, but almost nothing in my grip, so with his coaching I made it to the end. And stretched my shoulders for five minutes. 

And then the snatches. I'm already hyper-paranoid of my hands tearing every time I drop, and even with chalk the bell keeps catching on the squishy part of my palm and it hurts like hell. I managed to get through almost half of the first arm with snatches, but I was going too fast and had to slow down to the pace Jason was setting, and it was just too much thinky brain activity going on and my elbow was not keeping up, so I dropped the bell before it gave out. I still had to finish on the other side, but basically already gave this set up for a loss.

So we regrouped and got ready for the last set of longcycle. My arms were exhausted already and I was fully encompassed in psych-out territory before even picking up the bell. In a last ditch effort to salvage this session, I basically just stopped caring about how many reps per minute I was supposed to do (8) and just went at whatever pace I wanted to, with a little extra time in between so I wouldn't have to think about slowing down any further. I think I did around 6 per minute, which was fine by me. And at least I finished it, but I was pretty done with life by that point. I can't lift my arms, but arms are overrated, right?

We were out of time (gee I can't imagine why), so I was spared having to do whatever I was supposed to do with the bulgarian bag (hah! As if I could use my arms at this point)

So I got an extra long stretch session and even got into the hip flexors today. And Jason let me borrow a roller ball to help fix my foot before my run tomorrow. Yay! I'm happy again

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Summary: buzzfeed clean eating challenge

Well, I survived the first week of the Buzzfeed clean eating challenge. I certainly learned a lot, and had some crazy mouth adventures, but after much deliberation*, I've decided not to continue the second week. Not that I'm going to immediately run out and grab a burger and fries**, I'll just resume my regular eating plan for the rest of the month, starting with the abundance of leftovers this past week has supplied.

*not that much deliberation  **this might happen though

After a week of following the clean eating plan, here's what I learned (both about the plan, as well as myself):

What I learned after a week of the Buzzfeed clean eating challenge:


pretty good recipes

This plan has some pretty good recipes if you need new ideas to shake up your boring old food routine. Aside from a few miscalculated ingredients, the instructions were easy to follow and a lot of it came out really tasty. I learned that I might actually like cooking (gasp!), or at least am better at it than I think.

photogenic meals

Aside from easy to follow and mostly delicious recipes, the food itself was very pretty to look at. Even with my lack of culinary enthusiasm and simple iphone camera, I was able to whip up and capture some pretty impressive looking meals.

sets a plan

The best part of this food challenge is that it gets you to set a plan and schedule meals. You are forced to think about the food you are eating: you have to make everything yourself, measure things out, plan for leftovers, and account for each meal throughout the day. 

you feel good!

Although it feels like you are CONSTANTLY cooking or eating all week, you won't feel bloated or overly full at all. The meals for this plan really do make you feel good, and it also seems to help clear out the system, if you know what I mean


too many recipes

While the meals for the week are all unique to keep things interesting, in reality it's actually way too much food to buy and prep for one week.  Maybe I just suck at food storage, but since I'm not a fresh produce wizard with a magical time-suspending refrigerator, I ended up picking out bits of things that were going bad before their time came up in the schedule, and even had to replace a few items entirely. Thus defeating the purpose of getting all the groceries in one shot (which I normally do every week with much success)

not practical

To piggy back off the first point, this meal plan is oddly not very practical, particularly in how it uses up leftovers. For example: cooking half the asparagus on the first day, and then saving the rest for the very end of the week; or buying collard greens the first day, when you don't really need them until after shopping for week 2; or making chili then freezing half to use a week later. None of this makes sense to me. I have no problem with leftovers, and would much rather make one thing and use it up over consecutive days rather than make something new every day and THEN go back to whatever was leftover three days later.

costs too much 

Because of the volume and variety of foods needed for the plan, it would easily cost at minimum $100 per week, not counting the amount of food waste and replacement. I usually average 50 bucks a week on food, and don't have to throw anything out. So, yeah

not enough fueling for workouts

Something that actually surprised me about this week was how EXHAUSTED I was. The whole week. And it was one of the least busy weeks I've had in a long long time. Yet I was almost literally dragging through each day, particularly during my workouts. While this food may be clean, it's more about eating less junk and cleansing the body, less about fueling with energy. As an 'athlete' (I use that label extremely loosely), I was struggling through my workouts this week, yawning through both training sessions, and bumbling through cardio. And it's not like I was doing anything extraordinarily challenging. The lack of coffee did not help.

doesn't work with my schedule

The primary reason why I can't continue with another week is that this meal plan, while fun and interesting, simply doesn't work with my schedule. I don't have time to be whipping up fancy omelettes in the morning before work, nor do I want to be cooking for an hour when I get home, exhausted, at 9 o'clock at night.  I just ended up snacking on dates and almonds while waiting for the food to cook, thus defeating the purpose of the week! I do much better with meal prepping at the beginning of the week, and having my meals planned out and ready to go when I leave in the morning and get home at night.

In Summary:

I had a lot of fun testing out this food challenge and explored a lot of new things that I would never have otherwise tried (I'm looking at you fennel) and made some really delicious meals (most especially you, mind-blowing lentils). It's important in life to know when to let things end. We had our ups and downs, good times and bad, and the time has come for the clean eating challenge and I to part ways. We had a good run, maybe we can stay friends.

This morning I gleefully welcomed coffee back into my life. Let's never be apart again

Want to follow along from the beginning? Start Here, then check out Day 1, Day 2, Day 3, Day 4, Day 5, Day 6, and Day 7

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Day 7: Buzzfeed clean eating challenge

Today's been a pretty lazy Saturday. I am absolutely exhausted after a week of the clean eating challenge. I woke up at 7:30 (blergh), made a fancy breakfast, went for a run, and crashed on the couch for the rest of the day.  I made quite a few alterations to the meal plan today, because I'm going out later so don't have time to stand over a stove all night! I got things to do!

Breakfast: Poached Eggs and Asparagus

Breakfast was an adventure.  Even on Saturday, cooking first thing in the morning is not my ideal way to wake up. Still, today I learned a new skill, how to poach an egg! I was surprised at how closely this resembles an actual poached egg. In the photo you can clearly see which one was the first attempt. The second egg came out pretty good!  The asparagus came out okay, it was a week old by this point, so the fact that it was still useable was a miracle

Deliciousness Level: fancy looking

Lunch: Arugula Legume Salad

This was supposed to be a kale black bean salad, but I didn't have any kale left, and have too much arugula left, so that's what I used. I also didn't bother making yet another vinaigrette and used the leftover paprika yogurt sauce for the dressing, and threw in the remaining chickpeas while I was at it. It made for a pretty delicious salad! And was a nice way to recover from this morning's run

Deliciousness Level: filling and refreshing

Snack: Almonds and Pistachios
I had a couple handfuls of pistachios and almonds for a snack before crashing on the couch and taking a rare and elusive mid-day nap. Just a sign of how tired I am, I almost never can take naps! Naps are glorious, I wish I had stronger nap taking skills.

Dinner: Meatballs and Chili

I was going to try making the collard greens to go with tonight's meatballs, but since I had gotten them a week ago, they were pretty sad and wilted and turning a strange yellow color, so I decided to nix that idea.  I also did not want to bother making tomato sauce from scratch, especially since I have so much leftover blackbean chili left over from last night. I did venture into another new food item today: meatballs. I've never made meatballs before, so I don't know what the difference between this 'clean' version vs the real thing is, but I think for my first try these came out pretty well. I used flax seed meal instead of oats, and used oregano instead of basil.  Just mixed in the ground turkey, threw 'em in the oven for 15 minutes and they came out pretty good! They definitely taste 'clean', vs the usual greasy delicious meatball. But still pretty tasty, especially with the chili.  I'll probably try these again, but with more spices next time

Deliciousness Level: a little bland, but still very tasty!

Dessert: Dark Chocolate
I'll be out pretty late tonight, so it is still to be seen whether I'll end up having this or not, but I'm going to try to be good and not splurge while I'm uptown!

I survived 7 days of the clean eating challenge! Want to follow along from the beginning? Start Here, then check out Day 1, Day 2, Day 3, Day 4, Day 5, and Day 6

Friday, May 16, 2014

Day 6: Buzzfeed clean eating challenge

It's Friday. The sixth day of the buzzfeed clean eating challenge. I survived a week without coffee. I am tired.

Breakfast: chia seed pudding

Ahhhhh finally back to a better breakfast. Anything that is made ready to go is far superior than anything needing to be cooked in the morning. The biggest flaw with this pudding is that it isn't truly grab-and-go since you have to add the pistachios in the morning. Pistachios that were supposed to be chopped, if I had remembered before the last minute running out the door. I don't know that they were really a great addition either, but I gave it a shot. I also didn't bother making almond milk and just used 1/2 cup greek yogurt and 1/4 cup water, and it came out just fine. I also didn't add salt to this, it seemed unnecessary. But who knows, maybe I missed out on something big. Oh well, it's too late to change it, and too early to care.

Deliciousness Level: the pistachios weren't really a good mix, but otherwise okay

Lunch: green bean salad

Another excellent pre-assembled lunch. Still not a huge fan of arugula, or making vinaigrettes, but as far as assembly, this was pretty simple. 

The vinaigrette by itself tastes pretty horrid. It's sour and bitter and I figured maybe my vinaigrette making skills have left as quickly as they came. But then I mixed it in with the rest of the salad and to my delight, it actually tasted pretty good! Something about this combination works, and it works it.

Deliciousness Level: surprisingly delicious 

Snack: Cucumber and Hummus

A twist on the classic combo. I could have cut up the 'cuke last night, but I chose to be lazy and test the limits of the workplace kitchen and put a plastic knife to the task. It worked out much better than expected!  I also just brought the hummus container instead of putting it in a nicer container because why bother.

Deliciousness Level: Crunchy and refreshing

Dinner: Black Bean Chili with Zucchini

Okay, so I've been humoring these unnecessarily extravagant meals all week, and at least they saved the chili for Friday. But seriously, after a massively long week the last thing I want to do, tired and starving, is wait around for a pot of beans to simmer for 45 minutes. So inevitably I was snacking on almonds and dates while I sat there waiting for the food to be ready, contemplating my will to survive another week of this. I'm starting to crack, the challenge is winning.

The preparation for this meal is actually pretty simple, I subbed a green pepper instead of red and used vine tomatoes instead of canned (I heard somewhere that canned tomatoes are supposedly the worst thing you could possibly eat, didn't want to risk it). Then just chopped everything up, threw it into the pan, added a little water, and let it simmer!

While the chili was simmering down, I whipped together the paprika yogurt and sautéed the sliced zucchini.  I was tasting all of the prescribed elements while prepping tonight's dinner and it was shaping up to be a pretty good meal. The yogurt has a nice zippy zing, and the chili came out perfect!

And then I put everything together. And it was awful. Maybe the worst thing I've ever eaten. The zucchini does not go with the yogurt, the yogurt does not go with the chili. At all. I will not make this again. And I'm supposed to save this for lunch next week? Yeah, no. That's not happening.

The best thing about this meal is that it's actually very filling. The worst thing about this meal is that I can't wash the taste out of my mouth.

Deliciousness Level: It's all fun and games, until you have to eat it.

Dessert: Blackberries and Pistachios

Gah! Maybe my mouth is just too tired to function tonight, or maybe it's been stunned by the traumatic chili yogurt incident. I like pistachios, I like blackberries. Put the two together and my taste buds keep waiting for something happy to happen.

Oh well, guess I'll just have to sleep it off and start over tomorrow :-/

Deliciousness Level: I guess two rights can make a wrong

No prepping tonight, I can make everything fresh tomorrow!

Want to follow along from the beginning? Start Here, then check out Day 1, Day 2, Day 3, Day 4, and Day 5

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Day 5: Buzzfeed clean eating challenge

It's the fifth day of the clean eating challenge. Now, you can accuse me of being many things, but a morning person is not one of those things.

I rolled out of bed, dreading to have to do  the unthinkable for the second day in a row: cook breakfast. 

Breakfast: Scrambled Eggs

I didn't  actually have the cauliflower I was supposed to use for today's omelet since I skipped Tuesday's dinner. I couldn't find anything to sub in for the cauliflower, so I made a simple 3 egg scramble as the next best option. If there's one thing I can cook better than anyone, scrambled eggs is that thing. For one, there's nothing to chop and two (most important), it cooks up in two minutes (two minutes I could have been sleeping, but I digress)

Deliciousness Level: I mean, it's my own recipe, of course it's delicious!

So with breakfast out of the way, and no coffee in sight, I gathered up my things for the day (training tonight, woohoo!), and headed out for work. And came right back because I completely forgot to put my lunch and snack in the bag! See what happens when you can't have coffee, bad things happen.

Lunch: Chickpea Lentil Blackberry Salad

So, I combed over and reviewed the meal plan this week, because somewhere at buzzfeed HQ, someone is maybe not so good at math. I was supposed to add quinoa from Sunday's leftovers, except that I used it all for the previously prescribed recipes (as per their instructions. There was nothing mentioned about saving this magical extra half cup for today's lunch). Since I had too much lentils left over for dinner tonight I used the lentils in place of quinoa.

I also used blackberries instead of blueberries, since I have so many and want to use them while they are still fresh

This is a very protein heavy salad, and if I were to do this again, I would switch last night's dinner with today's lunch. I don't want to feel full in the middle of the day, but I do need to feel full at night otherwise I'll just keep snacking.

Deliciousness Level: hearty and delicious

Cheat Snack Attack!: Cup Cake!

We had a little celebration at work for a few people today which meant cake. A cake in the shape of a cupcake. And I and ate a piece. I made my choice, I have no regrets.

Deliciousness Level: Sugar

Snack: Carrots and Hummus

A classic snack, but again buzzfeed's counting logic alludes me. If I recall, we needed 7 carrots for this week, but so far I've had two snack of "4 carrots cut into sticks" and I'll have another tomorrow and will still need carrots for dinner coming up. So I've already surpassed the carrot quota. But fortunately I read ahead and just used one carrot for today's snack, I'll skip the carrot for tomorrow's snack, and have one carrot left for the dinner recipe. So when they say 4, they really mean 2. Maybe sometimes 1. So annoying.

Deliciousness Level: a classic favorite

Dinner: Tuna Steak with Green Beans and Lentils

This recipe calls for salmon, and as much as I LOVE salmon, I already had tuna steaks in the freezer, so I used those instead.  I also maybe misjudged how much two cups of green beans actually are, because it didn't look like very much cooking up in the pan, but even after I split the batch in half, the remainder barely fits on the plate!  I may not be able to actually finish this, which is groundbreaking.  The tuna came out a little tough, but I left it in the oven a little too long while I was getting the green beans ready. Next time, I would start the green beans first, because they actually took longer to cook than the fish!  The leftover lentils were still as mindblowingly delicious as ever, and definitely are the highlight of this dish (sorry tuna, you're pretty, but the lentils are a keeper).

Deliciousness Level: Filling and tasty!

Dessert: Air

No dessert for me, because I'm a cheating cheater who cheated.

I'll be prepping lunch tonight, as well as breakfast (woohoo!! no cooking in the morning!)

Want to follow along from the beginning? Start Here, then check out Day 1, Day 2, Day 3, and Day 4

Thursday training - weigh in

It's Thursday, yay! It's training day, woohoo! It's weigh in

I've been feeling pretty good, but probably more mentally good than physically so. Even with 'clean eating' this week, I still have a long way to go before I'll be really comfortable with my body. I'm still pretty far from my goal, and slacking on my diet all winter certainly didn't help!

So we weighed in, and while I did drop some weight since last month, it's still that annoying bodyfat that keeps sticking around, driving me crazy!

Right now I'm at 134lbs, and 27% bodyfat. Boo. Jason wants me to be at 20% (hah!) and I want to be at 120lbs (HAH!) so yeah, I'd have to work REAL hard to get there anytime soon.

Before we even weighed in, Jason had the jumprope ready and waiting. He already knows the deal.  So I started with 3 minutes jumprope, aka go for as long as I can until my calves abort the mission and twist into a stubborn ball of pain, regroup, then keep going.

I stretched out my calves, and then we started with an easy set of pushup renegade rows (with 15lb dumbbells), then clean and press and snatch with the 25lb bell. One minute of jumprope, and repeat the set. And again.

Next up was the bohemoth 70lb red Kettlebell. For deadlifts. And swings! I almost thought he was joking, but no I was really expected to swing 70lbs of solid weight back and forth between my legs and stay upright the whole time. I almost wobbled once, but I stood strong and finished the set! Along with those I did some oldie but goodie single leg deadlifts with rows (with 15lb dumbbells) to finish the session. Hmm, could it be leg day, I wonder?

I was pretty tired today, so I'm glad we took it a little easy. One thing about doing this clean eating challenge, it my be clean, but it's definitely not geared towards energy.

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Day 4: Buzzfeed clean eating challenge

It's day 4 of the clean eating challenge. It's also hump day, halfway to halfway there!

Breakfast: Broccoli Omelet

I do not like scallions. I don't like them in food, I don't like them in cream cheese, I don't like them in miso soup. I never have, and probably never will. They have a weird texture, they make my stomach feel gross and I WILL pick them out of my food whenever possible. This was one of the first things crossed off the shopping list. I already knew I wouldn't be making a scallion omelet for breakfast.

Actually, overall not a huge fan of making omelets when I have to get to work. Or making anything that requires time and dishes as I lurch around the apartment trying to make myself socially presentable and get out the door on time. Nothing like knowing you have a sink full of dishes waiting for you when you get home to jump start your day.

As far as meals from this food challenge go, I would not do this one again, not on a workday.

I substituted the scallions with some broccoli I had leftover from the weekend, and it was a good way to use those up since they aren't part of the food list for this week. The omelet came out okay, I guess I'm used to using more eggs usually, because just two made for a pretty sad omelet. It was more of a broccoli scrambled egg by the time it was done. Also a little salty for my taste, I would use less salt or no salt at all, especially with the feta added.

Deliciousness Level: good, but too much cooking for a workday, and a little salty for the morning

Lunch: Greek Salad with Lentils

Today's lunch was completely assembled last night and was one of the easiest meals so far (if you count the lentils as leftovers). Just chop up a cucumber and bell pepper, and add feta, lentils and spinach and you're ready to go.

I used green peppers because I can't stand red bell peppers. I don't know why, I've just always hated them. I don't know if there's even any noticeable difference, but I could munch on green bell peppers all day, just don't even think about putting a red bell pepper near my face. I think it traces back to some childhood trauma. My aunt tells a story of when I was a baby and I thought I was eating apple, but it was really red bell pepper, and I burst into tears.  I guess I never got over the red bell pepper and its lies.

Aaaaaanyways. Today's lunch was one of my favorites so far. The lentils were delicious as expected, and while it might be one of the less impressive sounding lunches, it was absolutely tasty and filling. The cucumber and green pepper bits added a nice crunch in contrast to the soft lentils and feta. Overall, a perfect office lunch

Deliciousness level: quite delicious!

Snack: Mango Banana Smoothie with Chia Seeds

I was a bit skeptical of making a smoothie 8 hours before drinking it, but the chia seeds helps keep the thickness you expect out of a smoothie, and the mango adds the 'smoothie'-ness to keep this tasty.  I blended all the ingredients (and used honey instead of vanilla extract), but added the chia seeds separately so they could gel up during the day. Admittedly, this visually is maybe not so appealing. It's basically just chilled mango mush, but for an afternoon snack during a long day at work, this definitely hits the spot.

Deliciousness Level: Has a GREAT personality.

Dinner: Roasted Fennel and Chicken

For food that 'sounds harder than it actually is', roasted fennel is high on that list.  I got home early today (7:30, huzzah!) so even though the fennel took about 45 minutes to cook (from start to finish), I'm still finished dinner before 9, win!

To cook the fennel, I just sliced it in strategically placed wedges keeping a part of the root attached to each section to hold the pieces together. Toss on some oil, throw it in the oven, catch up on Louie, flip the pieces and watch the next episode.

And then this magic happens. I actually liked the raw fennel better than roasted, but maybe I should have left it a little longer in the oven since it was the really small roasted bits that tasted the most delicious.  Also the idea that this would be enough fennel to wilt the spinach by their own heat is laughable. This was basically a raw spinach salad with pieces of warm fennel and chicken tossed in.  Not my favorite meal to date, and it's not particularly filling, but it's a cool idea and I'm glad I tried it.

Deliciousness Level: Acceptably delicious.

Dessert: Medjool Dates stuffed with Almonds

I've only had medjool dates once as a salad topping and loved the thick creamy sweetness of it. So I was delighted to see it makes it's way onto my shopping list this week!  This 'dessert' is disappointingly tiny (I want more!) but the dates are actually so rich that it does a nice job of satisfying my sweet tooth. I don't know what the almond was all about, but I guess they had to do something more interesting than just make us eat dates.  There was a curious lack of direction on how to actually pit the date, so I just made a slit big enough to pop out the pit and replaced it with an almond.

Deliciousness Level: luxurious and delightful

I'll be prepping lunch and snack for tomorrow, but not right now.  First I'm going to relax a bit, since I have so much TIME tonight!

Want to follow along from the beginning? Start Here, then check out Day 1, Day 2, and Day 3

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Buzzfeed clean eating challenge: Day 3

So it's the third day of the clean eating challenge. One of the biggest glitches of this whole week definitely has to be the 'no coffee' rule. Painful, cruel, probably unnecessary.

Breakfast: Blackberry Yogurt Parfait

I meant to assemble this last night, but I was so exhausted that I left it for the morning. This is fairly similar to yesterday's breakfast, and just as simple to assemble. I did make one change, I added a little bit of honey to help cut the sourness of the yogurt

Deliciousness Level: yummy

Lunch: Shorty's Turkey Hoagie Salad
So I had to stray from the meal plan today since my team went out to lunch. We ended up at a Philly cheesesteak place that is supposedly 'real' Philly cheesesteaks. Tempting. But clearly not even close to clean eating.  I managed to find an acceptable alternative that wasnt too far from what I would have had anyways, a turkey salad with tomatoes, provalone and hot peppers with a vinegar/oil dressing. And no, I didn't take a picture, not because they would have thought I was crazy (most of them know that I'm blogging about this), but because I was so hungry and we had to get back to a meeting, so I just simply forgot.

Of course the whole way to lunch I was obsessing over whether anyone would make fun that I was the only one not eating cheesesteaks and it would have been easier to just get what everyone else was eating. But I ordered my salad, and no one even seemed to notice. So if you're ever nervous about ordering something healthy, just do it because really  no one actually cares what you're doing.

Deliciousness Level: I mean, it was no cheesesteak, but it was clean, and the hot peppers really added a nice kick.

Snack: Avocado and Lemon Vinaigrette

I must confess, I never really liked avocado, and for most of my life wouldn't even touch the stuff.  In recent years I've at least allowed it past my lips, but it's definitely not high on my food preference list. So today's snack was a bit of a stretch, but that's just my personal opinion. I used the leftover lemon vinaigrette rather than use a new lemon half. And it actually made for a pretty decent office snack. There was some prep work involved, and trying to get a pit out of an avocado with a plastic knife is quite the ordeal, but once you get past that, it's super simple.

Deliciousness Level: If you like avocado, then this is the snack for you

Dinner: "Asian" Chicken Salad

So, since I went out for lunch (and already knew before this week that I would be) I already planned on having this salad for dinner instead of the cauliflower/lentils laid out by the official food plan. And boy am I glad I did (see why in the lentils blurb below).  The assembly of this was pretty simple, and probably would have been even better if I had bothered to use my mandolin instead of hand chopping the carrots. Also, I don't know what tamari is, but I know what soy sauce is, and that river flows aplenty in this house, so anywhere they say to use tamari this week, just know that I'm using the real stuff.  One thing I did learn today was that to chop almonds, it is much more effective to chop verrrry slowly to avoid tiny almond bits flying everywhere.

Deliciousness Level: Very very yummy. Even for dinner

Dessert: Almond Chocolate Milk

The recipe mysteriously just says to use "warm milk" and since I didn't actually buy any milk, I had to assume they meant almond milk. So i whipped up a batch (a larger batch, since I'll need some tomorrow morning) and with tonight's half I warmed it up in the microwave and added shaved chocolate to melt down:

Look at that glorious pile. And that's just off of one square! It's like the fishes and the bread of sweet delicious dessert. It was actually pretty easy to shave the chocolate, just run a knife along the edge and it naturally chips away like that. And then drop it in the warm milk and it melts down.  For I second I actually contemplate using a double boiler to melt down the chocolate into the almond milk, and I'm glad I didn't go through the effort (and extra dishes).

Deliciousness Level: This actually was a little gritty from the almond meal, and not terribly sweet from the 70% dark chocolate. But it's chocolate, and dessert, and it was worth it!

Food prep for tomorrow:

I set aside a cup of almond milk to be ready to blend into a smoothie for tomorrow's snack. And started assembly of the salad for tomorrow's lunch.  Even though I wasn't sticking to the actual dinner for tonight, I still made the batch of lentils since I'll use the leftovers later this week. And boy I'm glad I had a backup plan for tonight. I don't know who these buzzfeed people are, but they must get out of work super early. I read the recipe for these lentils and they need to cook for almost an HOUR. Nope, when I get home at 8:30 or 9 o'clock, I do NOT have time or patience to sit around waiting for a pot of legumes to become edible.

I actually started making the lentils first when I got home to let it simmer, and ohhhh myyyyyy it is worth the hour. I cannot WAIT for lunch tomorrow. These lentils are AMAZING. Life changing. We will see these again. Oh YES. These are so. good.

Deliciousness Level: Game changer.

Want to follow my challenge from the beginning? Start Here, and check out Day 1 and Day 2

Monday, May 12, 2014

Buzzfeed clean eating challenge: Day 2

It's day two of the buzzfeed clean eating challenge, and this is the day the real challenge begins: transporting this food to work

The great thing about this meal plan is that it is realistic about people having actual things to do all day, like a job and not wanting to be near a kitchen (or even have access to a kitchen). 

So here's how my day tasted:

Breakfast: Overnight Oats with Blueberries and Chia Seeds

These are pretty similar to what I usually have for breakfast: yogurt, granola and berries.  I stuck to this recipe and it still turned out pretty good! The chia seeds help hold this together and makes this more of a pudding (which means no spilling!)  if I were to do it again (and I likely will), I would use blackberries or raspberries instead.

Delicious Level: pretty good, just sweet enough to satisfy my sweet tooth, just filling enough to keep me happy until lunch.

Lunch: Kale, Chickpea and Fennel Salad with Orange Vinaigrette

This salad was a great office lunch and the fennel with the orange vinaigrette is a brilliant combination. I've never used fennel because in my mind I always categorized it in the 'onion' category and so it has never come home with me, as cool as it looks. I was actually a bit nervous what it would be like eating it raw. Conclusion: I need more fennel in my life! It is light and refreshing and delicious. I definitely will be adding this into the permanent rotation.  If I were to make this again, I would add more chickpeas.

Deliciousness Level: revelatory

Snack: Diced Tomatoes and Feta with Balsamic

Okay, so this one didn't quite pass the 'transportable' test, and I probably could have found a better container for it. Balsamic and tomatoes, while delicious, are not a very office-friendly snack, and not a great pre-workout snack either. Also, I didn't have any basil, since that was the one ingredient that I just could not find in non-mushy sad little wimpy bunches. Anyways, after this snack I still had pretty low physical energy going into my training session after work. It was really my mental enthusiasm that powered me through the workout today. All in all, tasty, but not the most resounding success so far.

Deliciousness Level: A classic combination, but maybe best left for cocktail hour and not taken to the office.

Dinner: Napa Cabbage Wraps

Dragging myself home after the gym, it's late, I'm hungry, I'm tired. This is exactly why I don't like to cook elaborate dinners, ever. I was already dreading having to come come and still have to DO things to be able to eat. But, here I am closing in on 9pm and i'm chopping and whisking, and going back and forth from my phone to the fridge to the counter and circling back again.  

Eventually things started coming together, and in actuality, it only took about 20 minutes to get everything together from start to finish (and that's counting my non-sensical mad scientist method of food preparation)

Something I've noticed for this week is that I'm already whipping up another citrus vinaigrette.

I've never really been much of a vinaigrette maker, but I think I'm getting the hang of this!

Okay, substitutions: I still don't have basil, since I was not about to go on a food shopping adventure, starving, on my way home from having just worked out. It's only the second day, it wouldn't be good form to immediately derail after just starting this thing. Instead I just used some mint leftover from yesterday, and it worked pretty well!  Also, I was reading off the pdf recipe instead of the one with pictures, and it never actually says to put tomatoes into the wrap, so I ended up adding those later.

The arugula salad was a bit…much. I didn't exactly measure it out, I just used two handfuls, so maybe it was a little more than two cups worth, or maybe I'm just not used to the taste of arugula, but it's a little bitter, even with the dressing and tomatoes. But not terrible either.

The wraps were…..amazing. Probably one of the fanciest meals I've ever put together (definitely the fanciest I ever put together on a weeknight after the gym). It was actually pretty simple since I didn't have to actually cook anything, just chop everything up into small bits. It probably took longer to keep checking the recipe to make sure I wasn't missing anything!

Deliciousness Level: arugula salad was okay, chicken wraps were a party in my mouth.

Snack (aka dessert): Navel Orange

I actually couldn't find clementines at the store, so I just got an extra orange instead. I'm sure buzzfeed had the idea that this would be sliced and arranged beautifully on the plate with the peels artfully decorating the whole thing. Or in in my case, carnage:

I'll be putting breakfast together in a moment. And I'm actually going out for lunch tomorrow with the rest of my ops team, so I'll be putting the "Dining-Out Guidelines" to use. And making tomorrow's lunch for dinner.

Want to see my challenge from the beginning? Start Here and check out Day 1

Training day

It's Monday, training day!

I'm feeling pretty good today. The clean eating challenge is going well, but I don't know if it's really designed with actual exercise in mind since I kept yawning through the sets, and now I'm exhausted and starving on my way home (and dreading having to still prep when I get there, ugh)

Anyways, I'll get to that in the food challenge update. Today's session was great, we did a bunch of oldie-goodies, and Jason kicked my butt as usual.

Started with 3point lunges and walkout pushups, and finished the warmup with 100 swings with the 45lb bell (10 per arm, alternating until my arms popped off)

We mostly worked with the bulgarian bag today. If you still don't know what I'm talking about, here's an old pic that I forgot I took a few months ago:
That, my friend, is the bulgarian bag. See, its even labeled for you. Look at it in wonder.

With that thing we started easy, with shouldering (swinging the bag back and forth landing on your shoulders) and then shouldering with side lunge. You would think by now Jason knows that throwing any new exercise at me will end up looking ridiculously awkward and wont look anything like a real exercise. I kinda got the hang of it by the last few reps, but we just moved on, quickly.

Then, still with the bag, it was spins each direction and jump lunges (ugh!) followed by jerks with the 30lb bell. I'm still strangely unbalanced with the jerks. On my right side, I have no problem getting the rack into position and keeping my elbow on my hip (actually sometimes it digs a little too deep into my hip), but on my left side, I can barely get my elbow down to reach the top of my hipbone, so annoying!  So that's what I focus on and today it actually went a little better!

Anyways, back to the bag, we ended with power snatches and overhead side lunge (we're really working the side lunges today)

Oh, no actually we ended with the 35lb bell and front squats.

And THEN we were done. And stretching wasn't so agonizing today, actually I could split pretty far today. Huzzah!

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Buzzfeed clean eating challenge: Day 1

It's Day 1 of the Clean Eating Challenge, and here is what I did today!

Breakfast: Kale and Banana Smoothie

This was a pretty basic smoothie, and much more minimalist than my usual protein-packed version.

I made my own almond milk by soaking almonds the day before and blending a 1/2cup of raw soaked (skinned) almonds with 1 cup water. One tablespoon of almond butter, a drizzle of honey, and frozen kale and bananas, and I was ready to start my day!

Delciousness Level: eh, I mean it's kale, but you FEEL clean just drinking it, so that's a win.

Lunch: Asparagus Salad with Arugula and Fried Eggs

Lunch was an adventure. I admittedly don't cook full meals as often as I should, mostly because it is such a chore and I hate it.  By the time I start cooking, I'm so hungry that I need food NOW and lose patience for ridiculous time consuming things like 'simmer 2 minutes'. Bah. Yet, despite my revulsion toward even the most minimal culinary effort, this salad came together surprisingly painlessly. From prep to final assembly, I was eating within 30 minutes. (Read: for a normal person, it would probably take much less time)

I made a few alterations from the recipe. For example, I didn't bother shaving the asparagus, I just chopped it into small pieces. I also minced the shallots into teeny tiny bits so that I could cook them into mush and wouldn't notice them in the salad (I really hate onions and onion type things, it's weird, I know it, but it's who I am and you'll just have to accept that).

The last thing to finish the salad, that I would probably change next time, is to fry the eggs. It just seems like a really greasy thing to add to an otherwise clean  salad, so I would probably hard boil or poach them instead.

The assembly was easy peasy, just toss everything together and put the egg on top.  The last alteration I did was add hot sauce to the eggs, because we are civilized in this home.

Deliciousness Level: pretty delicious! The heat from the asparagus slightly wilts the arugula to take off some of the edge, and the lemon juice adds a nice fresh zip to the whole thing (and I didn't even notice the shallots at all).

Snack: Carrots and Hummus

A solid snack. The 'recipe' says to cut the carrots into sticks, but I mean, come on. Why bother.

Dinner: Roast Chicken with Kale and Quinoa

Since this is considered a prep day for other meals this week, tonight's dinner took a bit more effort and multi-tasking than just one meal's worth. And with all that work, what I ended up with actually doesn't look too far off from what I usually eat. Just...less, and with more ingredients. Go figure.

For substitutions, I almost completely changed the roast chicken since I already had boneless chicken breast in the freezer. I just baked it like I always do, and used my secret spice concoction in lieu of plain salt & pepper.

I cooked the quinoa exactly to the recipe, which involve an extra step of actually roasting the raw grains with oil before adding water.  I don't notice any difference, probably wasnt worth the extra effort and calories.

The kale was super easy, just simmer some water and steam the leaves for a few minutes. My kind of cooking.

For the orange vinaigrette I used rice vinegar instead of apple cider vinegar, because I'm Korean and that's the kind of vinegar I have and I wasn't gonna buy a whole bottle of something I never use for a measly half-tablespoon. Psh.

It still came out awesome and delicious.

While I was prepping dinner, I also started the assembly of tomorrow's lunch and drained chickpeas and sliced up some fennel. I added the rest after the leftovers cooled down.

Deliciousness Level: very delicious! The dressing adds a subtle flavor that makes this interesting and yummy.

Snack (aka dessert): Pear and Almond Butter

Just like the carrots snack, this is super duper basic. And the 'recipe' says to slice the pear into a bunch of tiny sliver slices. I think we all know how that's gonna go's not.

Tonight I also prepped breakfast, lunch and snack for tomorrow. I'm pretty tired after so much cooking all day, but on the flipside, I don't feel like a bloated whale, so I'll call this a success!

Here's a preview of tomorrow:

Want to follow along from the beginning? Start Here.