Calendar of Triumph!

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Training Thursday

Ugh. Today was brutal. I was seconds away from canceling today's session because I felt like a fat blob of shit with severe stomach cramps (why salad, why!? You're supposed to be the GOOD option)

But I manned up and went to train anyways. And boy jason was not happy to see me today. As much as I need to work out, getting yelled at for being a squishy blob isn't a great motivator either. Oh well, it's probably my fault for being complacent and not getting enough sleep since starting the new job. I'm just exhausted all the time, and can't be bothered to have to cook every.freakin.meal. Yuck

So, Jason kicked my butt today, and I muscled through it since I was the idiot who chose to show up even when I feel like shit. It's just so frustrating to know that I only have a few sessions left, and I'm ending fatter and lazier than when I started. I guess I'm never going to be a skinny girl after all :(

Regular walking warmup, then with the heavy bulgarian bag, side swings and shoulders. Then squats and jump squats (UGH) with the bag. Then reverse lunge and press followed by spins. Then weighted side lunges and one arm swings and mountain climbers. And we finished with thrusters, and finally stretching

Now I have a long weekend to haunt me. I know I'm not supposed to overeat, but I also know that I probably will. It may sound defeatist, but it's also reality.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Tuesday training day

Ugh today was underwhelming. It's just getting to be too much to have to sprint uptown to train. it's stressful having to rush out of the office at the last possible second and then exhausting wrestling out if a packed train to get to the gym

And today I just felt fat and gross and disgusting. After the first set I was basically just going through the motions. So fortunately we didn't really do anything today

Just a walking warmup, then arm band-stretches . Then some swing and round the bodies with the Kettlebell, then clean and jerks (ugh, SO over those), and finished with weighted jump squats (blahhhh not in the mood)

Now to go home and relish the upcoming holiday weekend. Just one more session between me and three glorious days off

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Thursday training - throwback training

So today was pretty good. Work is crazy, but I have a pretty good handle on that. Still not getting enough sleep, so I gotta work on that. Also not getting enough cardio, so definitely need to work on that

So I had pretty good energy today, but still a little tired, so kept yawning a lot

I started by rolling my legs out on Jason's rolly ball of pain while he puttered around gathering the toys for today

We started with Kettlebell warmups with the 25lb bell: halos and around the body, then through the legs. 'Like a basketball player'. Yeah, I'm 5'1, no one would ever mistake me for a basketball player! Eventually I got the coordination down, but I kept picturing the bell slipping and crashing into my knees. Fortunately I avoided that

Then a few rounds of two bell swings, cleans, squats and presses. The problem was, my shoulders were dead after the squats so I kept having to rest before presses. Like a wimp

Then we moved on to the bulgarian bag for spins, then twisty snatches. Those are as hard as they sound. I vaguely remembered doing them a long time ago and tried a couple. And definitely needed a refresher.  They're basically like lumberjack chops, but on a much bigger scale, and with a bulky off-set weight to lug around. The hardest part was keeping my balance as the bag swung up overhead. I figured it out eventually.

Then we were almost out of time, so just a couple sets of snatches (regular ones, nothing fancy), and then reverse lunge twists with the bag. Those are the worst! But since we ran out of time I did t have to do jump squats, so I'll take that deal

Then glorious stretching. Note to self, don't badger your trainer when he has your hamstring in a bind. It won't end well for you!

Monday, August 18, 2014

Monday training - barbell day

It it was one of those days when you leave the house with a weird looming feeling that you're forgetting something important. No matter how many times I rummaged through my bag to check that yes, indeed I have everything as usual, my sneakers and a shirt and my lunch packed and my keys. All there. So I continue the day without incident until I'm on my way to the gym and remember i forgot my hair ties!!! gah! a desperate search through my bag, and i dont even have a hair clip to my name. the only thing i manage to find is an old ratty single stretched out elastic stuck to the bottom of a pocket. That would hardly do the job of holding up my increasingly wild mane of hair. So I had to throw together a French braid as I hustled out to train. By some miracle, it managed to hold for the whole session!

So apparently we were supposed to do a bunch of stuff with the squat rack today. Except all of them were taken, which means Jason had to improvise. Which never falls in my favor.

Sure enough, while I was off doing my walking warmup, Jason disappeared for longer than usual to gather the equipment. He returned, wheeling a three foot tall black cylinder with grenades imprinted on the top. What. Is. This.

Apparently it's some sort of portable plate stacking contraption, which goes with a weighted bar that may or may not be even more weighted than the regular squat rack bar.

While I practiced deadlifts cleans and push press with the empty bar, Jason started disassembling the weight stack. Then threw on some weights

Today was all about front rack, which I am absolutely terrible at. I still can't do a basic clean when the bar weighs over 60lbs. I dont use my legs at all to pop up, and then keep shrugging my shoulders in the catch when I should be relaxing an getting underneath. And then by the time I get the first few crappy lifts out of the way, my wimpy fairy dust wrists can't handle any more and just buckle under te weight.

Jerks and push press aren't much better. I can get the bar up, but lowering it back down, I can feel my wrists crying in pathetic misery.  And today, my right armwasn't  letting me extend all the way without pinching, so Jason very generously found the knot in my tricep and pushed it back and forth while I silent-screamed from the searing pain.

Remind me why I'm doing this again? Ugh

And I need to get fully back into yoga again, I've completely regressed and my hamstrings are tighter than ever. So frustrating.

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Thursday twofer- training day!

It's Thursday it's training day! And I don't have to go back to work this time!!  Work has been kicking my butt this week, and I was exhausted before I even got to the gym.

And you know it's going to be rough when you're sore BEFORE the session starts. My butt was already feeling the pains of yesterday's labor. After today I will be immobile.

We're also in the last 10 sessions of my foreseeable training career. After that I just can't justify the expense, and the commute is killing me. "you have bills?" He says in disbelief 'no, I live in a magical land where rent is free and everything is paid for by a mystery money wizard!' I wish!!

So, the theme of our remaining sessions will be to recap everything we've ever done, with possible side effects such as death or permanent paralysis.

Today nearly killed me. I could barely move by the end, which as it turned out worked in my favor for stretching since I was basically limp and completely malleable rather than tense and in pain

Anyways. Back to the beginning. We started with pullups, for old times sake. But with lat lifts first, like little training pullups. And then real pullups, which i can do for at least one good set, but by the last round it's really just Jason pushing me up to the bar. And me trying not to kick my feet back too far. Ahem.

By then the squat rack was free, so I did the usual build up, adding more weights and less reps. But we took it easy today, just to 185lbs.

Then we moved up front and started with the 50lb red bell for swings. 'Two arm, right?' I ask. His look answered with a simple NO. One arm swings! yikes. Those, which were actually hard, followed by renegade rows with 2 17.5lb dumbbells. I like those, actually they're one of my favorites. But after pullups, my arms were like jelly And even these were tough.

We rounded out the session with the 45lb blue bell for swing to front squats, and finally one leg dead lifts with the dumbbells. My butt is going to be insanely sore this weekend. I already know.

Then we really ended with vups and backbridge pushups.  Oof, my back. I'm definitely due for a massage, and I kind of really want to find a chiropractor. Just to see if my alignment is okay or if there is some magic back cracker maneuver that will loosen me up!

Stretching was so necessary today, and Jason pulled out all the stops, stretching out the deep hip flexors and he even got my upper back and it felt soooo good.

Now to limp home and go cuddle in my nice quiet fluffy soft bed.

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Wednesday training day

We had to skip training on Monday, and for once it wasn't because of my crazy excuses! So instead we trained today, which while awesome, landed on a super crazy day that means I still have work to do when I get home. Oh well

So we started with the usual walking warmup while Jason finished up wrangling a new client. So since he didnt really see my warmup, I had to do it again, but this time with 15lb dumbells, and some curl and presses thrown in. But since that wasnt enough I had to do it all again, with 20lb dumbbells. And since clearly THAT wasn't enough, I did it again with 25lb dumbells. My arms were about ready to pop off, so yes I think I'm warmed up now!

So we moved onto the workout, just kettlebells today, starting with my buddy, the 25lb: one arm swings, cleans, and snatches, 10 each. Then we switched to the 30lb bell, for more of the same, but just a smidge fewer reps.

We finished up the KB set with jerks, still with the 30lb bell, and so so many reps. So many

And I still had to do vups! And I totally didnt hear Jason say ten reps, so I kinda kept going until he stopped me at twelve. So I had to do the rest with 12 too. And my abs are now plotting my slow torturous death

At least we had stretching, painful agonizing stretching. And now to race home with a sliver of hope that I'll get any sleep tonight

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Thursday training - just 195 today

Starting to feel better today. I definitely need to start cardio back up again, I'm getting squishy, bleh.

I got to the gym a little early somehow, so I ran for five minutes while I waited for Jason to show up. Lo and behold by the time I was done, there he was!

Heavy lifting today.

But not before warming up with the lobster torture band of death. Twice!

Then off to the free weight room, and my some miracle, the squat rack was free!  So we started with just the bar, then I squatted my way up through the plates. The best part of h ing  trainer is that he does all the knowing-of-the-exact weight, and all I have to do is squat. I like this arrangement, it leaves all the mental psych outs out of the picture.

I even had paparazzi today! 

I know that the weight is starting to get crazy when I'm down to just three reps per set. And today I had one-rep sets. You know, because that's normal. 

But at this point, I still have no idea how much is on there. My only job is to stand back up. But we needed to get a better picture so fortunately I had one more rep left

Look, there's Jason too! but i did t need a apot today, I did it all by myself! Sweating bullets, but I did two reps of 195, ta-da!

So after that was done, we moved further into the free weight room for barbell clean and press. I must say, these are not my favorite. I'm suppose to do this thing where I pop the (60 and 70lb) bar off my legs while it pulls up to clean, and I just don't get it. Plus the clean/press hurts my wrists by the last rep.  So we just quickly got through a few sets of that and moved on up to the front training area

For pistol squats. Because he knows I can. Even after squatting 195. While holding a 20lb Kettlebell, for three sets. And I did.  My legs will hate me this weekend. major yoga time is in the cards. Maybe even a massage

And we had to end with abs using the rolly wheel, just to show the random dude who was trying to do them next to me how it's 'really' done. With a lot of whining and protest while Jason shows no mercy

Finally it was time for stretching, and I was DONE.

Monday, August 4, 2014

Monday mayhem - training time

I woke up feeling particularly disgusting today. my body was in complete rebellion, like a toddler throwing a tantrum in the middle of the mall. The best I could do was squeeze Into my most forgiving work suit and drink lots of water all day

Fortunately this tactic seems to have worked, at least enough to feel functional by gym time.  And I even got there early! Early enough to get a five minute run in before the session started

Then we began with the usual walking warmup, and a Kettlebell swing warmup, with the 30 and 40lb bells

Then( with the 30lb bell) cleans and dragon twists. My cleans are still kind of wild and unruly, so today Jason braved his own physical wellbeing and stood a foot in front of me, while I hurled this massive weight up to my shoulder, internally freaking out that I would smash into him every.time.  He survived unscathed, just barely.

Then deadlifts and renegade rows to start cooling down. I am definitely going to feel my butt after those deadlifts.  And we finished with hanging leg lifts, where mostly what happens is that my tiny sweaty arms keep sliding so I'm mostly working to stay attached to the massive contraption rather than using my abs for anything

But stretching was particularly painful, I mean good, today. Jason pounded out my hammies, which hurts like the dickens, but is so necessary. They need to make a machine that does that full time, I would live in that machine