Calendar of Triumph!

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Training day - final countdown

It's almost the end of super crunch time crazy diet cardio weight training insanity week.  This week has been merciless and today's session was no exception.  I pick up the dress tomorrow, and I know it's going to look good. It better, after logging 55+ miles this month and dropping 4 pounds. Yeah, you heard me

So we start with the walking warmup, then go straight to a KB warmup: 40 1 arm swings with the 30lb bell, then skipping over 40lbs, we went straight to one arm swings with the 50lb bell. THEN two hand swings with the 70lb bell. Twice. That was just the warmup.

Then with two 17lb dumbells, Jason proceeded to break me:
Walking lunge with curl and press across the floor, then when I reached one end alternating between tuck jumps and burpees. But traveling burpees. Like instead of jumping up, jumping FORWARD. Like an exhausted sweaty frog. 

After doing those way too many times, J pulled out the ol' medicine ball for me to throw at the wall from a variety of angles. The most fun one was by far the over behind the head throw, that rolls the ball back to you if you do it right

Then, sufficiently fatigued, it was time for vups and backbridge pushups. And stretching, glorious stretching

And now just two more sessions left, MASSIVE SADFACE.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Tuesday training - countdown

It's the week before the week of the big wedding. I've been running my little booty off, and it's time to get some weight training in.

Jason, very pleased to see how much cardio I've been doing, was ready with a full-blown session planned

First, warmup with 1000m on the rower. Then arm pulls with the rubber tube handle contraption (front, overhead, and back)

For the rest of the session we used the 30lb Kettlebell and bulgarian bag:

One arm swings with the bell, spins with the bag.  A bunch of times

Then clean and jerks with the bell, and snatch with the bag

Then side lunge twists with the bag a bunch of times and finished with one arm bent rows with the bell

And 20 vups, all at once. Yikes!!

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Tuesday training - dress fitting edition

It's Tuesday! And I finally have a dress for the upcoming family wedding (woohoo!) so, now we know exactly how much work I have to do by the end of the month.

Here's a sneak peek

So much work to do

So, we get right to it and head over to the free weight room. I start with halos with my buddy the 25lb Kettlebell

Then a new thing today using one of the weight machines. It's the one with a handle hanging off a pulley strap contraption, and you sit and pull it down towards your chest. So I did those with 60lbs, staring with a lat pull, and then pulling the bar all the way down

When we had enough of those we took over a free squat rack for squats, obviously. And a quick set of clean and overhead press (using the squat bar. Seriously one of my least favorite exercises. I'm so bad at these)

Fortunately I only had to do two sets then we moved up front for some more fun

With two 25lb bells, a few sets of cleans. Then with one KB, a few sets of snatches. Then back to two bells for bent rows and alternating bent rows (ungh!)

Then to complete my sessionof misery: burpees. By the end, my legs refused to leg. 

Then some stretching and I showed off my dress at all angles, to show how much work we have to do. So much. 

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Tuesday training

You know what day it is!! It's Tuesday it's training day!  And it's the last time i'llbe renewing my sessions. MAJOR SADFACE

So before I could start moping, I had to go straight into the warmup: walking lunge, lateral lunge and inchworm. And one hand swings with the 30lb bell

Then a series with the 25lb bell:
5 Overhead press
5 clean and jerks
5 snatch to squat
5 clean and reverse lunge
The first two sets were individual, then the last set was all in a row

Now I'm sweaty

Then three sets of dragon twists in a row

Then, with 17.5lb dumbells, overhead walking lunge (it doesn't look nearly as cool as it sounds, or maybe exactly as not cool as it sounds)

Then, with two of Jason's special purple bells, I did 'farmers walk' which is basically holding these massive weights at your side while walking back and forth across the floor. Something about bone density. I later learned that each bell is 45lbs.

After three sets of that, my arms were nearly about to pop off, but Jason was not nearly finished.  Back to the 17.5lb dumbells for pushup/renegade rows (yay), then goblet sqyats with the huge bell that is very hard to hold. My arms literally popped off. well not LITERALLY literally, but definitely figuratively.

Finally we ended with three sets of V-ups, then streeeetttching!