Calendar of Triumph!

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Tuesday - last training day for the foreseeable future

Massive sadface.

Today was the last training session with Jason. And of course I got stuck on a train on the way to the gym, so I was about six minutes late to get started

But we made the most of it. I had to choose what we did today and I haven't even had a chance to think about it! So I come up with 'uhh I dunno, something acrobatic?' I guess I figured if I'm going to get into aerial silks, I might as well start focusing on mobility

So acrobatics we did. Mostly handstands, which are super fun, but super hard, and super wrist heavy.

After a quick walking warmup and a few swings and snatches with the kettlebell, we went over to a wall and I did a few rounds of handstands with my back to the wall, then handstands facing the wall

Then handstands with no wall. I haven't done handstands in forever, and certainly not without assistance. But even with Jason there to gently tip me back to center, I had a few split seconds where I was actually kind of balancing over my hands! Huzzah!

But oy the wrists, they take a beating.

Then we did a few conditioning exercises where I did a handstand facing the wall, but this time with my feet on the wall and my hips bent, so basically making a square with my body. From there I rock slightly forward so my weight is on my hands, the push back like downward dog, so my head is pressing towards the wall, and really stretching out my shoulders and upper back.

Then we did an abs leg lift, but with a BOSU. So I'm sitting on the BOSU, with my hands on the floor behind me, then lift my legs straight up as far as possible.

After a few rounds of that, we finished the session with clean and jerks. With the heavy bell. Then glorious stretching. And lots of sad hugs.

I'm sure I'll be back to train someday. Maybe next year. Or when I'm rich

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Wednesday - legs day

I meant to publish this last week. 7/29/15. Oh well. It's Wednesday, second to last training sesh for the foreseeable future. Sadface.

So we made the most of it and went straight into legs day.  All of the squat racks were taken so we did a leg press machine instead. The one where I'm sitting reclined backwards with my legs sticking up and lowering the weights towards me. Like upside down squats. I don't know how much weight there was, but it was heavy, and I would guess it was around 120 or 130.

Then we headed over to the TRX.  First a set of reverse lunge to pistol squats, with my poor leg swinging front and back like a pendulum.  Between those I did clean and squats with the 30lb Kettlebell.

Next was a crazy TRX move where I start like an inverse row, but instead of just pulling my body straight up, I had to bend at the hips, while bending my arms and pulling them out to the side (like field goal arms).  All in one motion, and exactly as hard as it sounds.  I kept forgetting to bend my waist enough, and then forget to straighten back out enough. And my forearms were so not into this whole concept.

And we followed those with hanging knee tucks, because my poor hands were not already torn up enough, I just had to hang from a pole and depend on them to hold me up while tucking my legs to my chest. Also, Jason had to hike me up when I jumped so I could reach the pole.  And my forearms were absolutely not into this concept.

But I survived, and we moseyed up front for some v-ups and backbridge push-ups.  And I don't know if I'm just getting more bendy, or if my mind has become more accepting of my general always-a chey-soreness, but I felt really good doing the backbridge today. I really extended and pushed forward more than usual, even Jason was impressed. All in all, a great way to end my second to last training sesh...for now

Monday, July 27, 2015

Belated entry: weekend training

Wow this is super late. After a bajillion weeks on the road, and a few rescheduled sessions, I finally made it back to the gym to train with Jason!

We did a rare and elusive weekend session, which means free range of the gym. But we stuck to basics this time, and mostly arms

Regular walking warmup, and a few passes with the lobster band to warm up

It's been a few days so I already forget exactly what we did but I know there were two shiny new kettlebells, and I played with both of them

So we did swings, clean and presses, heavier clean and presses, and snatches

And on the floor I had vups and backbridge extensions, and twists with a medicine ball.

I only have two more sessions before my money runs out. :(  i'll be looking for cheaper ways to get back in shape, and I have a few things lined up that might be fun AND bring back my flexibility. I'll keep you posted

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Invisalign - first fitting

Finally after months and months ( and even more months) of anticipation, the day finally arrived to get my first set of Invisalign.

During all those months of waiting, I did quite a bit of googling to make sure I was fully prepared for what I'm getting myself into.  For the most part the blogs and forums were pretty spot on about the overall experience so there wasn't too much that came as a surprise by the time I popped in the first tray

The first fitting appointment took about an hour since there is quite a lot to do.  They have you try on the first trays and practice taking them out a few times to get the hang of it.

Then, if you're an unlucky soul (like me), they will have to install little buttons on some of your teeth to help the retainers grip and do their job.  I ended up with 7 buttons total.  To get them to stick to your teeth they scrub off the teeth in question then, using a template tray, inject some clear goo into preset crevices and snap the tray in your mouth to make sure they are in the right place. They set the goo with a UV device, that hardens it into clear buttons that makes them look like tiny extensions of your teeth.

Most people said that the buttons can be sharp and irritate your gums. I don't really notice them at all.  The most concerning part of that process is when they had to snap the template tray out, and then use that dentist pick tool to scrape off the excess button adhesive (that has now been cured into a rock hard tooth colored enamel). Yikes

After the buttons are finally on and cleaned out, they had me try on the real trays again to make sure I could still get them on and off.  After the buttons go on, it was really scary getting the trays off because it really seemed like I was going to snap the tray in half while prying it off my teeth.  The tray that will cost almost $200 to replace if it breaks.

But eventually I got the hang of it, trays in-tact. And all was well with the world.  After that I was pretty much all done, I just had to wait a while for the orthodontist to stop by and check that everything looked good (oh yeah, all that fitting and button installation was done with a tech, not the actual Ortho...)

The Dr. gave his stamp of approval, I scheduled the follow-up appointment for 8 weeks later, and they sent me off with an Invisalign goodie bag that included:

-Two retainer cases (one that I carry around with me, and one that lives at home)
-six sets of trays that I'll change every 2 weeks
-a pamphlet of instructions in about ten different languages (in case I forget how to take out my teeth, or if I want to brush up on my French, Spanish, Italian, German, Japanese, Mandarin, and a bunch of other languages)
- a set of 'chewies' that are little plastic tubes that I chew on to make sure the trays stay nice and snug

We'll see how this goes!

Fixin' my teeth

So, to branch off from the drudgeries of weekly workouts, I'm going to talk about a different aspect of my quest for overall health and positive body image - my teeth

I had terrible teeth growing up, chock full of cavities and these massive buck teeth jutting out of my upper jaw. It mostly stemmed from that time in grade school when the kid down the street kicked out my two front teeth (this is 100% true)

Fortunately they were my baby teeth. Unfortunately they weren't even remotely loose.  So my big adult front teeth had full range of my jaw to grow in since there wasn't anything restricting them from pushing all my other weakling baby teeth out of the way

And thus began my lifelong orthodontic journey. I had braces for a few years in high school and despite the pain and agony, they came out pretty nice. But somehow in the blip of other life events, I never got a retainer and in the 10+ years since then, my teeth have almost completely reverted back to their buck tooth glory days. One tooth in particular seems to be going out of its way to tuck itself behind its neighbor and I've lost track of how many procedures I've gotten to fix the inevitable cavities that gravitate in that area

Anytime I've complained about my teeth, most people's reactions are to politely say 'oh your teeth look fine'. But they don't see my dental bills. And I know what angles hide my freak tooth from public view.

So, after years of wishing and hoping, I finally was able to afford orthodontic work (thanks to actually decent dental insurance). And like most vain adults, I decided on Invisalign. So back in November - about 7 months ago - my dentist referred me to his orthodontist buddy. What I wish I had known back then was how frustrating this whole process would be. And I haven't even gotten the first tray yet (did I mention it's been SEVEN months)

Every stage of this process has been one surprise after another, with hefty price tags to go along with it. "Oh no, that cheaper price we gave you is for some other thing that you're not doing, you're getting this thing which is more expensive" why did you tell me that price in the first place?!??? I feel like I'm taking crazy pills!!!!...

So I finally do the scan, get a call that it's ready, show up and find out they haven't even started MAKING the trays yet!! So why am I here!??!! Oh, because you want to charge more money but won't tell me exactly how much the total cost is gonna me. Great, because I can totally afford to 'wing it' for a few extra thousand dollars. Yeah, no.

It could just be that this particular office is just not very good at explaining the process and doesn't know how to set expectations. Although I would imagine I'm not the only person in the world who doesn't spent every hour of the day becoming an expert on dental procedures. I just want to show up, know what's going to happen, get my teeth fixed, and know exactly how much it's going to cost me. Is that too much to ask?

Eventually they are going to give me the damn trays so I can get this started already, and then I'll be able to give feedback on the actual invisaligns. And by eventually I mean they better have them ready next week because I'm traveling for almost three weeks and was expecting to have already started the first set by now.

But at this rate, I have no idea what to expect. I do expect I'm going to have to 'pull some teeth' to find out.

Pun obviously intended

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Tuesday training - birthday edition

It's Tuesday! My birthday was yesterday! Another year, another butt-kicking courtesy of Jason

I have a lot of post- and pre- emptive strikes going here. Work cake, future cake, more future cake, future drinks, work drinks.

Yeah we got champagne at work for my birthday. Cause we fancy like that

Not so fancy at the gym. Just straight work.  Walking warmup, then a series of increasingly insane kettlebell exercises today:

-Swings with the 25lb bell.
-Snatch and reverse lunge with the 35lb bell
-Mountain climbers
-Goblet squats with the 55lb bell (exclamation point)
-Push press with the 25lb bell
-jerks with the 35lb bell
-Single leg deadlift and row with 17.5lb dumbbells

-bicycle crunches
-v ups
-backbridge hold


Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Tuesday training - legs arms legs arms

It's Tuesday, and I almost had to reschedule but fortunately didn't have to. I schlepped through one of those crazy New York City downpours and took a soaked subway ride uptown to the gym

I was a wee bit late, but Jason wasted no time in handing me a jumprope to warm up. Longest three minutes ever.  Then a round of walking lunges, but with 17.5lb curl and pressed added in. And a few passes with the lobster-band of shame strapped around my legs to really get those deep dark glutes burning

Then another round of jumprope while Jason gathered two 45lb kettlebells. Yes, TWO Forty-five pound weights.  For burpees.  Well, burpee deadlifts. With a combined 90lbs.  So, man makers, but with kettlebells and with more weight and with deadlifts. 10 reps, 3 times

Then to cool off, some one arm swings and twist overhead presses with the Dumbbells.

Then those squats where you roll back and swing your body back to standing. I forget what they're called, and I tried to do them with the 25lb kettlebell to much hilarity. It was much easier without any weights. And a few times I rolled back way too far and almost flipped over my head 

But I survived, and it was finally time to stretch. And now I can go home and try not to stress eat too much