Calendar of Triumph!

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

It's training day!

It's training day already! The silver lining of having to push a session to a later day in the week is that the next week's session gets here so much sooner!

We started today with a very serious discussion about Movember, and the ideal amount of stubble for a guy to have (10 days in case you are wondering, it's science), but Jason was having none of it. "What about Decembeard?" I ask. ...  I've never seen a more perfectly incredulous look than the one he gave me at that moment. It was textbook. Then he tried to pawn me off to another trainer, and I was having none of THAT, thankyouverymuch.

So we moseyed over to the freeweight room, but actually no, we took a detour and J herded me into the workout area, while he gathered up the various weights we needed to begin.

New thing today! Barbell clean and Jerks! Yikes! We used a bare bar to do a few practice rounds so that I could practice the movements before trying the real deal. Basically the concept merges all of the various elements that I've learned between Kettlebell jerks and the front squats from last week.  You start with the bar at your feet, then hoist it up through adeadlift  into a clean, so that it ends up racked across the front of your shoulders, hands out, elbows up high and pointing in (yeah, that awkwardness from last week, same thing) Then, jerk the bar overhead, and bring it back down to the ground (controlled though, not like how I do it, hurling towards gravity).  I did the first round (2 sets of 5) with 60lbs and the second round with 80lbs (2 sets of 4).  and by the end I was making significantly less faces of shock and horror, so i think I did pretty well. high fives all around!

then we went IN the freeweight room for squats. but today was a little different (gotta keep it interesting!) instead of the usual 'let's see how much we can slap on here to make mayu's legs break' today was more of a 'let's see how many mayu can do before her legs break', so in total I did 3 sets of 8, starting at 90lbs and ending at 115 (I think). Still, nothing to sneeze at! J already has next week planned out with heavier weight.

Then it was time for J to finish me off with a few rounds on the Kettlebell, the 35lb bell to be exact, so we made our way back up front to do just 3 rounds of clean & squats followed by snatch. And that definitely got me fatigued. Not too much, but just enough to get me to start whining about my gimpy hand callous that hates me.

But by then it was time for V-ups to finish the day, 2 sets of 15. you know, whatevs. Whenever I have to do v-ups I still think of my first training session when I couldn't even do one! And now I can do so many! Progress!

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