Calendar of Triumph!

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Thursday punishment

So I've been slacking a bit. It's hard to be fit when you're an inherently, deeply rooted, stubborn foodie with no "stop" signal, and an insatiable sweet tooth. Unless I diligently plan out every single piece of food ahead of time, and then somehow trick myself into sticking to that plan, I'll just eat whatever is easiest and most convenient and lie to myself that because its healthy or not 'that bad' that it will be okay. But even clean food has calories! 

So today was measurements day, and let's just say it did not go so well. Around 137lbs, and way too much pinching by the pinchy thing. I see a lot more cardio in my future. Boo

So, to kick-start my butt-kicking Jason came up with a simple-sounding, but actually-killer workout. 

First, dynamic warmup across the entire gym floor. I began to contemplate square footage on a whole new level, the rent on this place must be crazy!  We finished up the warmup with Jason's blue bell, I forget how much it weighs, but I had to do 50 one arm swings...per arm. And that was just the warmup

Then, the butt-kicking.  With the same blue bell, two minutes (per arm) clean & jerks. I did 10reps per minute, and had to do so many sets. 4 many sets. So many.

We wrapped up with the biggest punishment of all, the pink Kettlebell. Sadface. It's the lightest bell, and pink. Both my least favorite things. And I knew that meant something crazy was coming up. Something crazy like 2 minutes snatch (per arm), at 20 reps per minute!!! And there was no chalk on the handles, so my hands stuck on every.single.drop.

So that was my punishment for slacking.

And tomorrow I have to run 3 miles.

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