Calendar of Triumph!

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Training on a Wednesday!

Well, Jason has a Kettlebell competition this weekend and he leaves tomorrow, so we bumped my session up a day so I could get my sweat on. And pain on, and soreness on

We started with a quick warmup of 3point lunge and walkout pushup. I became conscious of something I do, where every single time I stand up from a pushup, I have to brush the 'floor crumbs' --as I call them-- off my hands. And I realized that I have been doing this every time, since the first time I started doing them, and today I became consciously aware of this and it made me really self-conscious and I couldn't stop!  So then as I stood up on the next one, Jason grabbed my hand so I couldn't brush it off and kept doing it each rep and I actually did the last 2 reps by myself! It was like full immersion therapy for OCD people,and it actually worked, haha

So, then it was time for the free weight room, and after goofing off a bit with fellow girl-buddy gym-rat Arlene (much to Jason's eyerolls), he herded me over to the pull-up bar. Where I had to JUMP to get up to the bar. I mean, Jason helped, but still... So I did three chin-ups by myself!! Even I was surprised!! In between sets I did one hand swings with the 35lb Kettlebell

After that, I guess all the squat racks were taken, so I did weighted squats on one of the big machines. Followed by deadlifts in some sort of cage-like deadlift contraption where instead of one bar, it's open in the middle (where you stand) and there are handles to pick up the cage around you. I don't know how much that thing weighed, but I do know there were 2 25lb plates on it. Boy was I glad to be done with that contraption

So we moseyed up front and as soon as I saw jason grab the 12.5lb dumbbells, i knew i was about to die. Yeah, you read that right 12.5lbs. The baby weights. I haven't touched those things in years. Which could only mean he was going to make me do something crazy. Crazy like 20 alternating jump lunges followed by 20 jump squats. Two rounds. And by some sheer miraculous force of will, I managed to survive while mostly standing upright. Only a little hunched over. Most definitely not collapsed on the floor, as much as I wanted to be.

Then just some v-ups and stretching time!!  But now I have to wait until Monday until I get to train again. d'oh.

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