Calendar of Triumph!

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Training Tuesday - St. Patty's day edition

Jelly. Entire body jelly. Arms jelly. Legs jelly. Wibbly wobbly.

The 'easing back into it' training curve steeply shot up to full speed very quickly in today's session. On top of that, as soon as I got to the gym I got very strong cramps in my abs, that lasted pretty much through the whole session. Fun. Nevertheless, I'm here and I'm paying for it, so I muscled through and somehow survived (just barely)

We started with walking warmups, then a few rounds of swings with the 25lb KB and 35lb KB.

Then moved on to clean & jerks, for a zillion rounds. I've managed to retain a semblance of proper form, despite feeling like a brick was trying to push its way out of my belly, and also having been out of practice for a few months.

Jason- 'Just like riding a bike' 
Me - 'yeah...a really heavy bike'

Then we did a super fun awesome time circuit set that is totally normal and not at all crazy:
- swing to goblet squat w/30lb bell
-kick throughs, where you start in a pushup position and alternate kicking your legs through the opposite side, like super fast twists
-prisoner squat jumps. Squat jumps with your hands behind your head (and your legs turning to jelly)
-bent over rows with two 15lb dumbells (and your arms turning to jelly)
We did that FOUR times. I had to rally through the last round. My body hates me already

And we weren't done!!! While I walked around in circles willing my body to continue, Jason wandered off and returned with the abs wheel of death. Of course for ab rollouts, which are agony and I am terrible at them. 

Then one leg bridge presses, which I am okay at. But then a trick repeat of the abs wheel! And more bridge press!

Then a merciful stretching session where we learn that I am ridiculously tight again.

So much work to do.

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