Calendar of Triumph!

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Tuesday training - kettlebelllls

It's Tuesday!  It's training day! I've been doing really good lately, much more strict on my diet, better at actually working out on my own, I even hiked up a ridge this weekend. And wasn't even sore the next day!

So I was ready to train today

We started with the usual walking warmup. The floor was particularly dirty today. Gross

Then with 25lb bells, one arm swings to warm up, then two bell swings, and we stuck with the 2 bells for the rest of the sesh.

So, two bell jerks, then two bell cleans. Then (you guessed it) two bell clean and jerks (aka long cycle, aka loooooong cycle) all with sets of 12.

After a good bit of grunting, I made it through the last rep. But we were just starting the fun.

Jason quietly pulled over the 32lb bell, for swing to snatch. TEN of them. No stopping.

I braced myself and starting swingy snatching. I learned I can make it through five before my grip completely gives up and I end up really catching the squishy padding on my palm and every swing feels like it's about to rip off. Fortunately nothing tore, but I do have a pretty gross tiny bloody blister forming under my left ring finger.  The right side is fine, of course

But that was it for today, a pretty straightforward workout. Although Jason nearly keeled over when I announced that I actually made the changes to my diet that he told me to. So far so good :)

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