Calendar of Triumph!

Monday, March 31, 2014

Training day - April fool's eve

Well, I threw out my back today. Not from squatting 200 lbs, or landing a backflip wrong or even picking something mildly weighted off the floor. I tweaked it while standing on the train this morning. Yup. It was one of those packed-more-than-usual morning rushes where the train was crammed full of increasingly agitated people, and while I was getting off at my stop, the surge of the irate crowd must have shoved my sleepy body just enough for my back to twist and say 'nope, not this day'...and I've been gingerly massaging it since

Of course it had to happen on training day, but also thank goodness it happened on training day! Jason knows what to do! 

So once he got over the disappointment that I wouldn't be able to do major squats today, he expertly launched into plan B, where I did more work than I would have on my own, all without feeling my back at all! Amazing!

I started by foam rolling my back, which helped loosen it up a bit. Then walking warmup of lunge, side lunch and inchworm, with pushups added. Meanwhile, there was a poor guy doing what he thought was snatches with the 50lb bell, and Jason was quick to jump in and make sure the guy did them correctly instead if breaking his wrists in the process. By the time we were both done, it was time for reverse lunge curl and press with the 15lbs (you know, to keep it easy today), then with the 40lb blue bell swing to front squat. Amazingly my back was fine during all of this, it was the rest in between sets that was killing me!

Next I had to my own snatches to do, but today I did 5 snatches into 5 overhead squats. Then swings with the 50lb bell. Uh, then I think we moved to the box for stepups with two 25lb dumbbells, and finished off with a bajillion sets of one arm rows off the box, with a 35lb db.

Oh no, we weren't finished, I then had to do 20 burpees. Twenty! Venti!

But I survived, and had an agonizing stretch, until Jason helped me relax and my back cracked the most glorious crack of back cracks that have ever cracked. Ahhhhhhh.

And my commute is now making it up to me by giving me every train connection perfectly timed, WITH a seat! Train karma!

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