Calendar of Triumph!

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Thursday training - Ninja status

Training on Thursday this week. Fortunately it was a rare slow day at work, so I didn't have to sprint uptown like usual to get to the gym on time.

It's been a while since we've done measurements, but I've been REALLY good since Disney and have not been mindlessly eating. I've planned out almost all of my meals, no late night snacking, as much water as possible, and I've even remembered to take my supplements on a daily basis!

So I was ready to weigh in. I know I didn't hit 135lbs like I was supposed to, but right now I'll be happy as long as I'm anything under 140.

Sure enough, step on the scale, Jason wobbles the weights back and forth and the level settles on 137. I'll take it!

Then I wait patiently while he measures various body parts, and pinches various other parts, and writes down his notes, and calculates his calculations, and I get the verdict: I've gotten a wee bit smaller everywhere, and my body fat is down to 23%ish. Yeah!! I'll take that too! As much as it sucks, watching my diet is the only way I'm going to get to my goals. Blergh, at least it's working

After the housekeeping was finished, it was time to work out. First a spin with the most evil roller that has ever been invented. It's like the foam roller's evil cousin. I know he has some serious workout planned. 

Once my legs were nice and agonizingly rolled out, we headed to the free weight room to a shockingly empty squat rack! We nearly sprinted over to grab it while it was free and I started a warmup with the empty bar while Jason gathered weight that were strewn about the room. Today we squatted my way up to 175lbs.  Huzzah!

Then we went up front for some fun stuff. First a few rounds of swings and goblet squats with the heeeeavy bell. The red one, I think it's like 60lbs. Maybe more

Then with two 17.5lb Dumbbells, curl to push press and renegade rows (yay!). Curls are really hard, I was definitely using my hips and shoulders to shrug the weights up by the last round. Weak

Then a few box jumps on the tall box to wrap things up, and I demonstrated my insane ninja status by landing silently on top of box, just about every time. Jason was so proud :)

Then a more painful than usual stretch sesh. And now I am free to hobble home.  More cardio tomorrow, but for now I get to sleeeeeep

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