Calendar of Triumph!

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Tuesday training - pick things up

Today was totally pick things up and put them down day. All because guys were hogging the squat racks. One guys was literally inside  the rack hopping up and down (not with weights, mind you, just in there hopping) Wtf

So we had to improvise today and Jason wheeled out his set of drop weights, or whatever they are called. Big ass weights designed to be dropped. Although I don't do that, because I'm a dainty lady.

Anyways, I started with deadlifts, just the bar first to warm up. And then the craziest thing happened. Jason actually tried to make me rack the weights by myself. Ok, I've been training with him for years at this point, and he has always just done this part for me. And makes it look easy!  No such luck today, he was making me do all the work this time. So I awkwardly maneuver the weight onto the bar, and feebly try to slide it down while it keeps getting stuck along the way. Meanwhile he's on the other side sliding three plates around like they're full of air.

Somehow I manage to get the weights racked through a series of deadlifts, and ultimately ended with a set of 5 and 145lbs! Not too shabby

Then it was time for front squats. Jason has long give up on trying to get me to clean the bar properly, with a deadlift to a little thigh bump to propel it upwards. Physically impossible. Instead I do it my way, cleaning straight up from the ground. And it works, so we go with it. So a few squats there, then we finish with the heavy weights.

Then a seemingly light set with the 15lb Dumbbells. Walking lunge and overhead press across the floor. Deep squat with alternating press (and then both arms press - SO hard!!) and finished with single leg deadlifts. My tushy is going to be sore tomorrow

Extra awesome stretch with a weird little rolly contraption that dug into my poor little legs. Nothing like a deep tissue massage to end your day!

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