Calendar of Triumph!

Tuesday, October 8, 2013


For someone desperately trying to get (and even harder, STAY) in shape, living in New York is the worst. Your options for food are either an amazingly disgusting but indispensably cheap greasy Chinese takeout, or spend your annual salary on one trip to Whole Foods. Thank goodness Trader Joe's is there to bridge that precarious gap.

Yet one of the most amazing things about living in the city, and simultaneously the worst for fatties, is the limitless plethora of available cuisines from any area of the world you can think of, if you know where to go.

And every summer, the best of new york's diverse culinary offerings conveniently congregate in brooklyn for the eagerly anticipated and aptly named ultimate foodie paradise: Smorgasburg.

The ultimate cheat day. As challenging as it is to stay on track and eat clean in this city, you still need to cave in and allow yourself the occasional no holds barred day of expressing you inner fat-girl. If you're going to overindulge, you need to do it in convenient, hand-held, bite-sized, style.

Nonstop eating of every kind of food you can possibly imagine in one afternoon is generally frowned upon, until you condense it to the confines of an abandoned lot overlooking the manhattan skyline. Concepts like 'calorie-counting' and 'portion-control' have no place here. Self-control is a long forgotten figment of your imagination. And who am I to rock that boat?

I tried to stick to a diverse-yet-coordinating selection, and that very quickly turned into a feast of 'meat on/in a roll' and it was GLORIOUS

You're looking at spring rolls from Lumpia Shack, lobster roll from RedHook Lobster, and a kimchi-dog from Asia Dog. KIMCHI.DOG.

Wait, wait wait, i dont think you saw that lobster roll close enough

LOOK AT IT! Yes it was as amazing as it looks. Be jealous.

The whole day is such a haze, I don't remember what else I manage to shovel into my gluttonous gullet before ending with a vegan pumpkin ice cream sandwich from Alchemy Creamery

It's vegan, so that makes it health food, right?

All in all it was an epic cheat day, and worth every decadent bite. We walked it off by meandering over to Dumbo for coffees. So that probably burned it all off, right? Yeah, that's how it works, sure

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