Calendar of Triumph!

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Training day!

October 1, 2013:

Training day, training day! Tuesday means it's training day!!!

And J has some awesome news, he got promoted!!! Which means he has to cut way back on training and drop a lot of clients, BUT he's keeping me since I'm only once a week, yay! (And we all know its really because I'm super cool)

So we start with walking warmup, a little hazardous today because the gym was weirdly packed. And people are morons who don't move out of the way despite having a good eight feet open in front of them. Regardless, I navigated my way back and forth across the floor, narrowly avoiding being smacked in the head each way. and then J throws in a curveball, in the form of a hundred swings with the 35lb bell, one arm, 25 swings each set. And my legs are DEFINITELY warmed up after that. And I still have Sumo Godzilla band stomps to do.

Sufficiently warm, we move on to the workout, with my old buddy the bulgarian bag. Spins, snatch, and snatch with the 25lb bell (the last set changed to 35lbs). J coached me through my form and by the end I actually think I got it! Many high fives were had by all :)

Then, with the bag racked, reverse lunge with twists, then single leg row, initially with the 25lbs, and then J sneakily switched it to 35 lbs, which I almost didn't notice until right before I picked it up, like 'hm, this seems bigger for some reason'

We ended with clean & press, still with the 35lbs, and man oh man my left side really sucks, and I was super tired by that point. But I really got it on my right side, and J always knows how to get me to do stuff that gets other people's attention. Ended with overhead squats, and then an agonizing stretch. Agonizing in a good way. Good pain. I need yoga back in my life. Oy.

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