Calendar of Triumph!

Monday, June 2, 2014

Monday Training Day - Holy Hip Opener batman!

It's Monday, you know what that means, training day! And after this weekend, I needed to get my butt kicked into shape.  And Jason was more than happy to oblige.

It is also the first training sesh of the month which can only mean one thing: weigh in. Argh. I know I've been bad this month, and haven't worked out nearly as much as I should, and eaten way too much, including the clean eating challenge (it may be clean, but it was still over 1300 calories per day!)

So, I weighed in the heaviest ever, at just over 139lbs (I still think the bar was tipping lower, but whatever). But my measurements dropped (by a sliver) and we ended up at 26.5% bodyfat. So even though I feel like a hefer, to most people I probably look exactly the same. Oh well.

So we got right into it with the leg bad of deep dark doom. Seriously, this thing is beasty. Picture the rubber band you put over lobster claws, only human sized, and it goes around your thighs. And then imagine walking across the room with this band tight around your legs, and then also side-stepping across the room. And then imagine that as you are stomping your way down, someone lit a match inside your legs, and now the deep insides of your muscles are smoldering and the fire is spreading. And you still have to go back. That was the first exercise

Then we continued warmup (we haven't even gotten to the workout yet!) with the 35lb Kettlebell for one arm swings.

Then, still with the 35lb bell, clean and jerks,  followed by 2 minutes jumprope, evil evil jumprope. We also did swing to squats with the 45lb bell. Again followed by jumprope. At first Jason was counting down the time, but it kept throwing me off and I would trip because the mind games would psych me out. So for the last few rounds of jumprope I asked him to only tell me when the time was over, and I made it the whole two minutes without tripping!

Then I did snatches with the 35lb bell (yikes), and by the last set I was exhausted. Like, beyond exhausted. Like, it almost went flying out of my hand once because my grip had given up. And the last set of jumprope, I couldn't make it ten seconds without tripping, my feet just would not get off the floor. That's what I get for letting myself get lazy and blobby.

So we finished with the usual stretching, with some new stretches we've been doing, such as holding down my knees in butterfly until my hips feel like they're going to pop out. Super duper hip opener. Like wow

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