Calendar of Triumph!

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Training day!

It's Tuesday! It's training day! I get so excited for training day, I start bouncing by the time I get to the trainers' desk. And it makes all the other trainers jealous that they can't have a client as awesome as me ;-D

It was weirdly empty today, so we got the whole spread of the gym, I didn't even have to watch where I was going for the dynamic warmup, because there was no one to bump into!

While I was covering serious ground warming up (walking lunge, lateral lunge and inchworm) J was gathering every possible contraption he could find. Literally. The only thing we DIDN'T do today was the bulgarian bag. And we totally could have, if we had really wanted to. But no bag today. Instead, he had gathered the big squishy medicine ball, the dense yellow medicine ball, 17.5lb dumbbells, the black Kettlebell, the blue Kettlebell AND the red Kettlebell (35, 45, and I guess 55? Respectively) he also brought over the rollie abs wheel of shame, just in case.

So we start with the big squishy ball, and I attempt to toss it up to the ceiling. Then throw it sideways against the wall. As with every new thing I do, I feel (and probably look) completely ridiculous the first few tries, but by the end I got the hang of it.

Then the next set: wiith the dumbells, renegade row, jump up, clean and squat. and repeat. if ever, for some twisted reason, you need to make your shoulders feel like they are lit ON FIRE, do those. it will get you there. immediately after the half manmakers, we take the yellowball (I think it's 40lbs, but don't quote me on that) and throw it as far as possible for a few yards. Then over the shoulders. So so many times.

Done with the balls, onto the bells. Swings, going progressively heavier. I noticed quite a few things during this portion of the session. first, there was a kid wandering around wearing a Bowdoin shirt... ! ... Hey! Bowdoin! I went there! (I didnt see him after my workout, but I'm sure we'll cross paths eventually, also I need to get more bowdoin gear to wear at the gym)

The next thing I noticed was that on the left arm of swings, something was going on inside my shoulder. Not pain, not even anything that noticeable, but SOMEthing. Like a teeny tiny clicking over the back of my shoulder. I say as much to Jason, and he calmly goes to get a towel, comes back and puts me in a submission hold of pressure point agony. It's cool, I didn't really need that shoulder anyways. My tui-na lady could get a run for her money next to this guy. He should start up a side job moonlighting as a massage therapist, because that is some DEEP tissue stuff. If you ever need your tendons manually relocated to other areas, I think he could make that happen.

Eventually he let go, graciously leaving my arms still attached to my body, so that I was able to finish the rest of the swings.  Then just a few rounds of snatches with the 35lb bell. I didn't tear anything, got an extra arm 'massage' before the last set. and by massage, I mean I no longer had primary control of my forearm (i think the whole gym could hear me yipping in pain. But in a good way. Oxymoron pain)

Finally time for stretching. Notice we didn't have time for the rolly-polly abs wheel of torture....that just means I'll be making up for it on Thursday

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