Calendar of Triumph!

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Getting ready for the new year

Well, It's almost that time of year, when the world will make the age old New Year's resolution to get in better shape.  And then most of us will promptly head to the fridge for another slice of leftover pie.

That certainly was me a few years ago, and I still have bad habits now, especially with food. I wish being healthy was easier and more rewarding sometimes. But just like anything worth having, getting in shape takes time, work, and dedication. I've learned a lot this year about what it takes to be one of those skinny girls that you hate. Dare I say, I've kinda become one of them.

Figuring out what works best for me took a lot of trial and error (mostly error), but slowly and surely I'm making progress and have picked up a few tricks along the way that make weight loss realistic and achievable, and maybe they could work for you too.

Now, mind you, I'm not talking about just getting skinny. There are plenty of easy ways to get skinny, and easy ways to die in the process. I don't condone that. If that's what you're looking for, then you're reading the wrong blog, because I don't have anything for you here. I'm talking about being healthy, and fit, but yeah I'm not gonna cry over a few lost inches along the way.

If you're just starting out on a healthy lifestyle change, or even just toying with the idea, you may be overwhelmed and confused by the sheer volume of "things you have to change RIGHT NOW to get in shape." Making a 180 degree lifestyle change isn't as simple as they make it sound on TV.  You're not only changing your behavior for yourself, but changing your identity with the people who have known you for a long time. This is not something you can do incognito. And that's what really makes it so hard.

People will notice, and people will comment. But hang in there, because the comments will change from "what are you doing, that's weird" to "you look great, how did you do it?!" And even better, seeing those people work on improving themselves too :)

Over the next few weeks I hope to have time to write up some tricks to take all those fitness tips and actually make them work in real life. There are some really simple changes that worked for me to stick to better habits and stay on track!

Fitness tip # 1: Hire a personal trainer!!!! It can be expensive. You can afford it. Yes you can.

It's not too late to ask for training money for Christmas! That what I do, for Christmas, birthdays, anytime you would normally get presents, I ask for training 'donations'. No one will question this. Trust me.  You might even get a cute little ditty to go with it!

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