Calendar of Triumph!

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Tuesday training day

It's Tuesday!!! and I almost didn't make it in time, stupid work getting in the way of real life, Grrr. And as it turns out, J was in the same boat because as I came running in to change, he had to go to a meeting right when my session was about to start! Yipes! So he sent me off with instructions to warmup on the rower to 2500km, which I did in 12 minutes! Unfortunately his meeting didn't end for another 5 minutes, which left me sweaty and wandering around in circles for a bit.  But eventually he broke free and we got straight to work. I've always wondered what half-hour sessions were like since no one seems to do them, and today I found out the real reason why: they are INTENSE. Not like non-stop crossfit ninja warrior intense, but it felt like we basically did the same amount of lifting, in half the amount of time, and my body felt it (in a good way, not in an injury way, that would be bad)

We started at the squat rack, which is quickly becoming my favorite little contraption (much more so than the pull-up bar ever was). Today was kind of a combination of all the previous squats sessions, where I progressed up the weights, but maintained more reps while doing so, going from 15 body weight squats and ending with 6 155lb squats (one hundred and fifty five!!! I can squat myself and a medium-sized dog, crazy!)

After blowing the squat rack out of the water, we moved on to kettlebells, progressing with working two bells at once. With two 25lbs, I did a non-stop set of 10 swings, cleans, squats, and press. And ohhhhhhh mannnnnnn I didn't think I was gonna make it through the last set. But somehow, finally, I was down to the last three presses, and then it was done. just in time for J to bring over the red 50lb bell, for one arm swings. And I pretended to be fine with this concept. No I didn't, I was whining like usual, but J is impervious to my wiles and made me do them anyways

Then it was back up front with just enough time for....stretching I hope? No, silly! Time for the big ropes. Oh my arms. Oh my legs. Oh my. Alternating ropes (argh) and double ropes (slightly less argh) and then I was DONE. No mas. Finito. C'est tout.

All I had left in me was enough pain tolerance for stretching, in which I think my spine was hosting a competition for which vertebrae could crack the loudest.

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