Calendar of Triumph!

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

It's Tuesday, its training day!

Today's session was kinda awesome. Ok, it was really awesome

First of all, we started with the dreaded measurements, and I actually lost weight! And some fat! (Wait, does that mean my holiday recovery soup actually worked?)

So, we're ending the year at 131lbs, 25% bodyfat, and a 28" waist. I'll take it!  now to see if i can actually be disciplined enough to get my bodyfat down even more. The short term goal is to drop another 4%, so we'll see how I do, yikes!

I wasin a really goofy mood today, which always makes the workout more fun, for me anyways. Then Jason has to stand there pretending like he doesn't know me, despite holding my clipboard and telling me what to do, hahaha. Anyways, we started the session with a quick warmup, 3 point lunges then with the 35lb kettlebell: swings, clean, and press  (10 each), you know, whatevs.

Then I had a go with a 60lb barbell for deadlifts, rows and cleans (again, 10 each). This time i had to try to do them without stopping, which was killer on grip, so its a good thing that next up was Squaaaaaaats.

So many squats. So many weights. So many observers. So many comments (You know it's a good day when another trainer is impressed!)
There's something about the squat rack that gets people's attention. Maybe because its right next to the water fountain, or that it makes loud noises sometimes, or mayyybe because a 5'1 girl is squatting. With massive weights propped across her shoulders.  Maybe that's it.  Today we quickly worked our way up to 170 pounds!!!! Whaaaaaaaat, that's crazy. I'm scared that my legs will pop off in the middle of my sleep. I may not be able to walk tomorrow. Or the next day. We'll see what happens

After an epic schooling of the squats, we ended with more kettlebells. Only problem was, the 35lb bells were occupied, so I HAD to use the 25lb bell (oh darn) so I did one set of snatch/overhead squats, and by the time I was ready for the next set the 35s were free (really, oh darn) so I finished with those

Well, really I finished with stretching. Yay stretching! Best part of my day. Also the most painful, but I guess that's why they say no pain no gain!

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