Calendar of Triumph!

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Training day - Christmas edition

Because of the holiday, we moved training day to Monday so that I could get my session in before Christmas

Today was not a stellar day. To be honest, I felt like absolute crap today. I feel fat and blobby, and my eye was (and still is) bothering me like crazy. Just the one eye. Like either something is lodged in my contact lens that is microscopically wreaking havoc on my cornea, or there is something lodged in my sinus cavity that is wreaking havoc inside my face

Either way, not a great state to be in when heading to the gym. So it was perfect that today was training day, because if there is ever a time you need someone else there to push you, it's those days when you really wouldn't be there on your own.

We started with some great news! Jason can start training me in the evenings again, which is so great (for me)! As much as I like being able to go home earlier on Tuesday, it's just a little too much to be training during the day. 

So we started by testing my pullups, aka Jason showing me off to the rest of the guys (actually that seems to be an ever-increasing theme of our time together, hehe). I managed better than I thought I would, I did at least one by myself, and the rest with just a wee bit of a nudge. So yay me

Then we went on to the real stuff. Squats, of course. What else would I be doing on a Monday afternoon right before christmas besides dominating the squat rack and putting grown men to shame? I started with just the bar, then worked through the weights until we ran out and J had to go allllll the way to the other side of the room to get some more. And I kept squatting, ending with.....185lbs!! Woohoooo!

So we left the free weight room before my jumping and skipping around got annoying, and headed up front to the training area, where J gathered two 20lb dumbbells and the tall box. So I went through a series of:

10 clean & press and 10 box jumps
10 step ups & 10 renegade rows

Then we ended with my buddy, the 25lb Kettlebell for 25 snatches, each arm. I was skeptical at first, but Jason didn't even blink, and he even let me chalk up (much to my eye's dismay), and I actually did it without tearing my hands, without wanting to die, and without complaining!!

Of course afterwards, my eye was insanely unhappy, and my hands were too chalky to do anything about it. So I spent most of the stretching time with a towel over my face, so Jason just had to guess at some of the faces I was making ;)

"Did you bring your glasses?" No, Jason. That's something a smart person would do. I'll just lie here in agony.

Merry Christmas everybody!

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