Calendar of Triumph!

Thursday, January 2, 2014

New year, still training!

First training sesh of the new year today!

I was gleefully greeted by my trainer, who had quite a doozy of a workout planned out for me

First I had to weigh in, which I still think is a terribly unfair thing to do immediately after two weeks of holidays. BUT despite Christmas and New Years, I actually didn't change by much. I believe I'm starting this year at 135 and 25% bodyfat. Which is about average for me.  I just need a recovery week and then I want a recount!

This year, I hope to get back on track and figure out how to control my munchies and try to get more sleep. And keep getting stronger, but stay streamlined. And get skinny. So yeah, basically the same things that I've always been going for.

So we started the workout with a quick walking warmup, and some arm band things

Then it was off to the freeweight room. And I didn't do any squats! Instead we did upper body today, specifically forearm stuff. I think Jason also just wanted to see how much I could deadlift, out of curiosity. (155lbs, btw)

Then I tried some chin-ups and I actually did okay on the first set by myself. Then the second set Jason pushed me up and I had to control my way down (by the last set it was a pretty fast drop)

By this point my forearms felt like jelly, but were also getting pumped which STILL freaks me out, and also made it nearly impossible to do the next workout.

I was supposed to do clean & jerk with the 35lb bell, but my forearms and grip were so pumped and fatigued by this point that I couldn't even swing it back. Jason mercifully took a minute to massage out the pump (ew) and then I was able to manage the 25lb bell. So we focused on technique and J had some really good pointers, as always. There were also spins and snatches with the bulgarian bag, and after a few sets of those it was time to stretch.


New resolution: more yoga!!

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