Calendar of Triumph!

Monday, February 10, 2014

Monday training

It's training day! It's Monday. Still getting adjusted to this new schedule, but fortunately I've been getting out of work early so that alleviates the stress of getting to the gym on time.

Jason was back from his competition out on San Fran and he did so well! Of course that meant Kettlebell workout for me today, and he had quite a doozy prepared. Started with the walking warmup, then went straight to the bells 

With two 25lb bells, I did a variety of lifts, starting with pone hand and then doing both at the same time. I think with one bell I did halos, cleans, press. And with both bells I did swings, cleans, press, and jerks.  A lot of jerks. Inevitably, I caught a case of the giggles midway through the jerks set, partly because we have entirely too much fun training, and also because Jason brought out the rolly stick to put my shoulder back in place, and then was using it like an instructor's cane, whacking my form until I did it right. And so I started laughing, while lifting 50 pounds over my head, you know, no biggie. :)

Then I did two sets of 20 snatches (per arm, still with the 25lb) and then with the 32lb bell (just one) I did jerks with a hold at the top.

Oh but we weren't done. Then I had to do fifty swings (each arm) with the 32lb bell. By the end I felt like my forearms were going to pop off and my legs couldn't walk straight.  And apparently this was some major feat based on Jason's proud papa look over how I did it without stopping '100 swings with only one switch and no stopping!? I'd like to see those guys do that' ugh! I love how he makes me do these crazy things by making them sound like it's no big deal and then freaks out when I can actually do them (I think box jumps was one of those things, oh and pistol squats, easy peasy, haha)

So crazy swings and we're done right! Nope! Still had to do hanging leg raises, where I inadvertently hobbled over because my legs just wouldn't function after crazy swings. But just a few quick sets of those and it was time to stretch. Painful, merciless stretching. 

Time to go home and sleep. And by sleep I mean watch the Olympics, then sleep. Yay!

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