Calendar of Triumph!

Monday, February 17, 2014

President day training

At first I didn't know if I'd be around to train today, but then I got back to the city last night. So after multiple rounds of back-and-forth with Jason I nailed down a 5 o'clock slot to train earlier today (sidenote: it turns out i was the last client of the day, so aren't we all glad I didn't keep my usual 6:30 time? I'd be just starting my session now and instead I'm pushing my way home through the perpetual surplus of humans in rush hour (sidenote sidenote: today is a holiday! Why is there rush hour?!) )

Anyways, I'm glad I kept my session today. Yesterday I went clothes shopping and there is nothing like trying on pants in a poorly-lit 4x5 room to make you curse every single sugar packet you put in your coffee last week. I did manage to find some new clothes, but had to sacrifice some of my delusional perceptions of reality in the process. For some reason, every ounce of extra weight parks itself right around my tummy, which is 

On the upside, the cold harsh slap of reality has already started to change my bad habits. My grocery cart looked like a single-sized farmer's market today, and I plan on prepping my meals for the week now that my schedule has calmed down a bit.

Anyways, back to today's session. It was one of those days where it felt like I barely did anything and yet felt like I wanted to die by the end! After a quick walking warmup, J gathered his weapons, I mean, weights of choice: the  25lb bell, the 35lb bell and the bulgarian bag. (Oh! How could I forget, the rest of the warmup, I had to hold an empty (unweighted) barbell and bring it in front and behind me until my shoulders wanted to pop off, followed by halos with the 25lb bell)  So then all I had to do was one minute of clean & jerks, followed by one minute of snatches (alternating arms halfway through and after each set) and finishing the round with10 spins. And really that's about all we did today, I just kept doing that. Over and over. The first round (with the 25lb bell) I managed 10 clean & jerks per arm, and 18 snatches per arm. The next set I did the same # jerks, and 19 snatches per arm! Woo! But then Jason had to up the ante and made me switch to the 35lb bell, and that is a whole different animal. I managed the clean and jerks alright, I think I did 8. But then it was time to snatch that beast and my hands just would not cooperate. I didn't actually tear my hand, but it felt like it was going to at any second. Jason, being the Kettlebell master that he is, helped coach me through the last set (mercifully with no timer) and I was able to finish with 8 clean and press's and 10 snatches! Per arm! Hooray it's the end of the session it must be time for abs and/or stretching---why is Jason bringing the jumprope over?

10 double jumps before I could finish. And I had a breakthrough! I did 3 in a row today!! I got so excited that I had to stop high-fiving Jason in order to finish the rest of the jumps! But I did them! So now we're done right? sure, just after Jason has to show off his mad jumprope skills and makes me do half of whatever he can double jump in a row....30 in a row! So now I have to do 15 more double jumps!  Sneaky way to make me do cardio, sneaky way to make me jumprope for 15 minutes, hahaha

Eventually I made it through, and was rewarded with overtime stretching, one of the perks of being the last client of the day :)

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