Calendar of Triumph!

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Thursday training

Walking into the gym today, It felt like ihadn't  been there in months, And i only missed one session! Although I did get a pretty good workout on Sunday helping a friend replace a pool liner, that is a tough job!  And I got a pretty sweet tan line out of the deal 

meaning it is not sweet at all, and it's gonna look weird for a while, but at the same time I kind of love it, but I'm strange like that

Anyways once we got over the tan we got straight to business. I was pretty tired today, actually I've been tired all week, so I tried to get pumped up for today's session but most of it was pretty lame (on my part). The usual walking warmup, then straight to Kettlebell work

Warmup with swings, cleans, etc... And then two bell workout of swings, cleans, clean and jerks. It was the jerks that got me, I had to do so many, and my hands were sore and my arms were tired and there were so so many to do.

And after the swings, my left neck knot starting throbbing so we took a quick break to work it out, where Jason first digs his finger in to push it around while I fight the agonizing scream just moments from screeching past my lips. Then he brought out this little contraption that looks like two small cones attached to a stick (like a tiny version of the american gladiators fighting sticks, where they try to knock each other off the pedestal?) except this thing is made of pure evil. I had to lie down on the mat, nestle the evil stick behind my shoulder and lift my arm above my head which while jason ever so gently pressed my hand all the way back. I basically had to tap out after three seconds, the pain is so intense. And I did this five times. After I was released from that death trap, my shoulder did feel a lot better. But at what cost?!

Anyways, we continued with dragon twists and then got super fancy with windmills. And then got more super fancier with windmill with half press things? I forget what it's called, it's where you start with the bell racked then press it up while the rest of you goes down. Then stand up like a regular windmill. Insane. And insanely hard.

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