Calendar of Triumph!

Monday, August 4, 2014

Monday mayhem - training time

I woke up feeling particularly disgusting today. my body was in complete rebellion, like a toddler throwing a tantrum in the middle of the mall. The best I could do was squeeze Into my most forgiving work suit and drink lots of water all day

Fortunately this tactic seems to have worked, at least enough to feel functional by gym time.  And I even got there early! Early enough to get a five minute run in before the session started

Then we began with the usual walking warmup, and a Kettlebell swing warmup, with the 30 and 40lb bells

Then( with the 30lb bell) cleans and dragon twists. My cleans are still kind of wild and unruly, so today Jason braved his own physical wellbeing and stood a foot in front of me, while I hurled this massive weight up to my shoulder, internally freaking out that I would smash into him every.time.  He survived unscathed, just barely.

Then deadlifts and renegade rows to start cooling down. I am definitely going to feel my butt after those deadlifts.  And we finished with hanging leg lifts, where mostly what happens is that my tiny sweaty arms keep sliding so I'm mostly working to stay attached to the massive contraption rather than using my abs for anything

But stretching was particularly painful, I mean good, today. Jason pounded out my hammies, which hurts like the dickens, but is so necessary. They need to make a machine that does that full time, I would live in that machine

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