Calendar of Triumph!

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Case of the Mondays

Mondays are tough. Training is tough (and fun, but still tough) weigh ins are the worst. Especially after a particularly difficult month. Actually after the fact I'm surprised I didn't do more damage considering I barely did any cardio (we'll blame the fifty snowstorms a little bit on that one), ate whatever was most convenient, and barely got any sleep while completely changing every routine in my life. (New job = new commute = new neighborhood = new schedule = mild anxiety attack = FOOD)

So we measured the damage, and I'm up to 136lbs (eep), 29.5" waist (blergh) and my limbs got a little more fat, but suspiciously my belly fat dropped 2% (maybe he missed the prime pinching spot because there is definitely more to pinch than last month, bleck)

So numbers wise I didn't change that much, it's just distributed strangely over different parts of my body now.

So we skipped putting my calendar together, and went straight to the workout (because clearly I need it)

Walking warmup while Jason gathered the tools (jumprope And kettlebells). Today I got to use his kettlebells! I mean I always use his kettlebells, but these ones are the ones he trains with, they're competition size or something, they're all the same size but weigh different.  So today I worked with the blue one and the yellow one. I forget how much they weigh, but the blue one is lighter than yellow.

So I alternated snatch with the blue (1 minute each arm) and jerks with the yellow (1min each arm) with one minute jumprope before and after each set. I got up to 19 snatches and I think 10 jerks per arm.

Then we ran out of time so I got to skip burpees but also had to stretch myself. Sadface

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