Calendar of Triumph!

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Training day - Springtime Leg Time

I swear Jason is trying to break me. 

Today we spent a lot of time in the free weight room. Like, deep in the belly of the beast. I wonder what guys think when girls are in there (besides the obvious), and then we start lifting serious weight, and they're like, oh she's not kidding around, this is serious! Haha, silly guys

Anyways we even did warmup, in the free weight room, where Jason sent me on walking lunge and side lunge, ACROSS the free weight room, through the sea of racks and plates and dudes. But sure enough, once I plowed my way down, space magically opened up and I had a free lane to stretch my legs.

I thought I would have to inchworm across the room too, but no, we spared the guys from that distraction. Besides, we had to stay close by the squat racks to get ready to jump in at the first chance we had.

But in the meantime, with two 20lb dumbbells, I had reverse lunge into single leg deadlifts, and a new one: side lunges while holding a big plate over my head. I didn't see how much it was, but I would guess it was about 25lbs.

Finally the squat rack opened up, and today was NO JOKE. I did more reps at higher weights than ever today, and Jason just kept piling on the plates, until I literally hit my max.  Like one more plate and something would probably have snapped. I can already feel that I'm going to be sore tomorrow. I'm not even halfway home and I can feel it. Like, I seriously can't walk normal because of legs day.

Fortunately, I only work with the best, and Jason knows what he's doing, even when I think it's crazy. And I end up lifting way more than I ever would have on my own. I think why it works so well is because he figured out early on that he'll just add the weights and I'll just lift them and there's no reason to put silly ideas in my head like the fact that I have TWO HUNDRED AND TEN POUNDS on my shoulders, and I have to squat down and stand back up without breaking my neck.

Yeah, it's better that I don't know these things until after I'm done. Oh, did you miss that? I squat 210lbs today!! More than 150% of myself! Remember back when I was squatting like 110? Yeah that's basically my cool-down now. CRAZY

Anyways after squatting 210lbs, I did a burn set with lighter weights because obviously my legs hadn't had enough yet. And we were only halfway through the session.

We left the free weight room to go up front to the kettlebells. Where Jason gathered the whole crowd: 45lb, 35lb, and 25lbs

And I had to do:
45lb bell: one arm swing
35lb bell: jerks
25lb bell: snatch
With one minute jumprope in between. Because apparently the only way to get skinny is to torture me with jumprope. Bah.

Stretching today was so necessary, and we took extra time to stretch out my back, and to stretch out my splits. 'Squats AND splits?! Your next boyfriend better be thanking ME' he says. Hahaha, yes I'll make sure whoever that is sends over a gift basket, hahaha!

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