Calendar of Triumph!

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Training day, in may!

It's Saturday, and in lieu of the usual routine of sleeping in, watching TV, and cleaning a minuscule fraction if the apartment, I threw in a training session as well!

I've been feeling pretty slobbish and lazy lately, but last week I really tried to concentrate on my clean eating and today I started to feel like I'm getting back on track!

I was supposed to train at 2, but jason texted to ask if we could move to 1, and that could only mean one thing, his other client cancelled and I was the last sesh of the day! Training on Saturday is always a fun treat, but training last on Saturday is the best ever! We have free reign of all the equipment, there's no rush to wrap it up, and when I leave, it's time for lunch! Win-win-WIN.

So today was legs day. So we started at the squat rack. Well, no actually Jason started by eating macarons and taunting me with their deliciousness

So with squats we took it pretty easy, just working up to 160 today

Then we moved up front where I did 1 minute jumprope, 45lb bell swing to squats, and walking lunge with 17.5lb dumbells, over and over again, forever. (forever=3 times) 

And we did something completely new today! There are these weird looking machines (that im sure have a name) that have these arm things that you can adjust to different levels and at the 'hands' are handles that you pull on with different weight levels that you can adjust. Right? So Jason brought the arms down to my height, and first I pulled the handles down basically like an opposite pull-up (I see what he's doing here)  then I stood sideways and pulled the handles across the front like a woodchop that targets the obliques (ooooh I like where this is going too)

So, now I know two things to do on those big weird looking machine things

We ended with a super agonizing stretch, my legs are so tight! I need to get back into yoga!!

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